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 Team, does we have PentahoCE latest version or existing version which has log4j version above 2.17.1 version?

rajiv akepogu's profile image
rajiv akepogu posted 08-18-2022 01:49

Team, does we have PentahoCE latest version or existing version which has log4j version above 2.17.1 version?

Your answers are very much appreciated. Please help.

Best Regards.

Andrew Cave's profile image
Andrew Cave
Hi Rajiv

Pentaho CE 9.3 has 2.17.1 .  CE versions are only updated on dot releases (9.4,9.5).   So if you want to have a later release of log4j you'll need to just replace the existing jar with a new version and run it.    It will probably work, but I've never tried.


Andrew Cave