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 Hello everybody!I am a beginner in Pentaho PDI and I have many doubts, especially the moment that is:To generate the XML described below via PDI, how should I proceed?Since I already used

  • Pentaho
  • Kettle
  • Pentaho
  • Pentaho Data Integration PDI
  • Pentaho Server
Almir Gomes's profile image
Almir Gomes posted 03-08-2021 13:14


<Column Field="Vendor No."        Value="W850001" DataType="Varchar"/>

<Column Field="Document Type" Value="Faktura" DataType="Varchar"/>

<Column Field="Document No."  Value="KFA1503209" DataType="Varchar"/>



Ana Gonzalez's profile image
Ana Gonzalez

Without more detail, I can only suggest to use the XML Output step in a transformation.