Hi, I am looking for upgrade options for log4j 1.2 version to log4j 2.* version on Pentaho PDI 4.4 version to resolve vulnerability issues: Apache Log4j 1.x Multiple Vulnerabilities. Pl. let me know if ...
I have just upgraded PDI from 8.3 to 9.4 on Windows 10. I can no longer open files on my NAS box that are mounted as network locations using the \\servername\folder notation. The File->Open menu only ...
Just to inform that the problem is only in the exibition of the parameters values. There're being saved correctly. To assure that, just use the step write to log so the transformation can write the value ...
I have the same problem in BI Server 9.4. Any sugestion?
When you share connections you can define your connection string within the entire repo allowing other tranformations to use this connection string - to do this right click on the db connection within ...
Hello - I am trying to evaluate Pentaho community version but and I followed the guidelines but ...