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 Preview data with params

  • Pentaho
  • Kettle
  • Pentaho
  • Pentaho Data Integration PDI
Tony Bartolucci's profile image
Tony Bartolucci posted 02-24-2020 21:06

I have two transforms in my JOB - transform one gets some data and writes to to 'copy row results' - those row results get passed to transform2 in the job. My problem is that I'm trying to debug transform2 but its nearly impossible without running things from the job due to the params that need to be passed.


Is there a way to only run transform2 but have it act on some params?

Ana Gonzalez's profile image
Ana Gonzalez

From what you are saying you are not explicitly using parameters, because when you run a transformation with parameters defined you can set their value in Spoon before launching the transformation, as shown in the screenshot attached.

If that's not your case, maybe you could created a modified transform2 using explicit parameters for debugging purposes, that is what I would do.

Maybe someone more experienced with PDI has some more alternatives, there's a plugin out there on Github to help with debugging purposes, but I haven't used it to create datasets for testing purposes, only to skip steps: