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 Having Issues Passing Basic Auth in Rest Client or HTTP

  • Pentaho
  • Kettle
  • Pentaho
  • Pentaho Data Integration PDI
Timothy Cermak's profile image
Timothy Cermak posted 09-27-2019 20:23

Hi Guys and Gals!

I have been using Pentaho PDI for a couple months and have become stumped

My goal is to GET Json data from a website that requires Basic auth.

I have been able to GET Json data from websites without Basic auth, but every time i try to add authorization to the generate rows step, then add that auth in the headers of either the rest client step i get a 503 error and nothing returned. I have used Yarc and Postman to accomplish this, but in PDI i cant get it done!

Please Help


Timothy Cermak's profile image
Timothy Cermak

also i AM RUNNING VERSION 8.3 ce

Sergio Ribeiro's profile image
Sergio Ribeiro

Hello @Timothy Cermak​,


Have you managed to put your transformation to work?


HTTP code 503 stands for "Service Unavailable", where a server says that it can't handle the request for some reason and it's «generally, a temporary state».




Sérgio Ribeiro

Porto - Portugal




Dean Flinter's profile image
Dean Flinter

Would make more sense if you made a typo above and meant to say a 403 error?


If so then the issue appears to be with your api key