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 How to integrate PDI and BI Server

  • Pentaho
  • Kettle
  • Pentaho
  • Pentaho Data Integration PDI
Bill Crowley's profile image
Bill Crowley posted 07-21-2019 16:14

Hello, we've been successfully using PDI (kettle) since version 6.0.  We've developed some utility transformations that we want to make available to others less technical on our team.  Our goal is to deploy these on BI Server and let users execute the transformations from BI Server.  All the documentation I can find seems old or incomplete, about writing .xaction files, and possibly index.xml and properties files.  Is there an updated guide or documentation on how to install/deploy kettle transformations to be executed via BI Server?  I'm currently using BI server 8.2 and PDI 8.3.

Thank you.

Johan Hammink's profile image
Johan Hammink

When you use a Pentaho repository to store your transformations and jobs. You can execute them from whithin the pentaho server. You don't need xaction files to do that

Bill Crowley's profile image
Bill Crowley

Thanks, that helps, I think I found my answer in the PUC, where I should have started looking instead of doing Google searches.  Most of the CDE/CDF info is in there.