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  • 1.  Cannot import KTR / KJB files to Pentaho repository

    Posted 04-11-2022 11:07

    I'm trying to upload ktr file on the Pentaho server using PUC. After the upload I do not see the KTR file uploaded even I marked the option "Show Hidden Files".
    Only thing I see in log is:

    {"zeitstempel":"2022-04-11T14:22:28.501Z","level":"INFO","thread":"ajp-nio-","mdc":{"currentFile":"/home/admin"},"logger":"RepositoryImportLog.ajp-nio-","context":"default","nachricht":"Start Import Job","korrelationsid":"none"}
    {"zeitstempel":"2022-04-11T14:22:28.556Z","level":"ERROR","thread":"ajp-nio-","mdc":{"currentFile":"/home/admin/emptyTestKtr.ktr"},"logger":"com.pentaho.repository.importexport.StreamToTransNodeConverter","context":"default","nachricht":"org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleException: \nRepositoryMeta is null\n","korrelationsid":"none"}
    {"zeitstempel":"2022-04-11T14:22:28.583Z","level":"ERROR","thread":"ajp-nio-","mdc":{"currentFile":"/home/admin/emptyTestKtr.ktr"},"logger":"RepositoryImportLog.ajp-nio-","context":"default","nachricht":" Could not import: General Error : ExceptionOnCreatingFile: creating file with name \"emptyTestKtr.ktr\"","korrelationsid":"none"}
    {"zeitstempel":"2022-04-11T14:22:28.716Z","level":"INFO","thread":"ajp-nio-","mdc":{"currentFile":"/home/admin"},"logger":"RepositoryImportLog.ajp-nio-","context":"default","nachricht":"End Import Job","korrelationsid":"none"}

    I'd like to know all places (files) I should check, where the restrictions to upload KTR nor KJB files could be set on Pentaho side.
    We have no issues with all other files like prpt, xanalyzer, cde, cda, cdfe

    Thank you in advance for any advice!

    Marek Tomko
    Systems Engineer
    Accenture CAS GmbH

  • 2.  RE: Cannot import KTR / KJB files to Pentaho repository

    Posted 04-11-2022 21:24
    Hi Marek

    It's failing to create the file in /home/admin  .  Are you logging in as admin when you are importing?   Have you tried importing via  PDI ?  You should have an option to set some heavier logging when you are doing an import via the PUC too.

    Andrew Cave
    Systems Engineer
    BizCubed Pty Ltd

  • 3.  RE: Cannot import KTR / KJB files to Pentaho repository

    Posted 04-12-2022 02:03
    Hi Andrew,

    Yes, I'm logged  under user with administrator role. Same thing happens in any folders.
    As I mentioned, the other files are OK to upload and we have no issues with prpt, xanalyzer, cde, cda, cdfe files.
    I also tried to zip it and upload, but unfortunately, it is same.
    Any other ideas :) Are there any special places in "Pentaho" configuration files, which could restrict specific type of files?

    Marek Tomko
    Systems Engineer
    Accenture CAS GmbH

  • 4.  RE: Cannot import KTR / KJB files to Pentaho repository

    Posted 04-12-2022 03:30
    There is a file called ImportHandlerMimeTypeDefinitions.xml in pentaho-solutions/system that has the import types defined.   I've never had to touch it before though.

    You might also trying zipping the files up first then uploading them (PUC autmatically unzips).  Also in the Upload dialog, under Advanced Options there's a Logging drop-down.  Set that to Debug when you try again.

    Also to confirm that the files have failed to import try running


    in another tab to get a file/folder listing from the repository

    Andrew Cave
    Systems Engineer
    BizCubed Pty Ltd

  • 5.  RE: Cannot import KTR / KJB files to Pentaho repository

    Posted 05-02-2022 09:15
    Hi Andrew,

    We already included ktr type in ImportHandlerMimeTypeDefinitions.xml before, but it did not help.
    I already mentioned in my previous post, that "I also tried to zip it and upload, but unfortunately, it is same."
    I also checked "{serverurl:port}/pentaho/api/repo/files/:public/tree" after the upload and the file is missing.

    As we deploy Pentaho using deployment pipeline with Pentaho initializer I need to check every corner, where it could be set.



    Marek Tomko
    Systems Engineer
    Accenture CAS GmbH

  • 6.  RE: Cannot import KTR / KJB files to Pentaho repository

    Posted 05-03-2022 01:58
    RepositoryMeta is null usually occurs because there is something screwy with the repository itself - i.e. it can't find it.   Check the repository defined in .kettle/repositories.xml is the one you can see at the bottom of {server}/pentaho/kettle/status  ( which is set in pentaho-server/pentaho-solutions/system/kettle/slave-server-config.xml)

    Also...there's definitely valid xml in the emptyTestKtr.ktr file?

    In addition are you able to save this ktr into that folder using the Spoon PDI?

    Andrew Cave
    Systems Engineer
    BizCubed Pty Ltd

  • 7.  RE: Cannot import KTR / KJB files to Pentaho repository

    Posted 01-26-2023 12:47

    This is an old question so probably the OP doesn't need the answer anymore, but in case anyone else does, here's my take.

    I've never tried importing transformations or jobs via the PUC. You can import using the PDI Client (Spoon) or using the command line data-integration/import(.bat or .sh, as appropriate). As far as viewing them in the repository, you should be able to see them in the PUC, but not do much with them. The REST API calls to view the contents of folders containing .ktr & .kjb files do exist, but you cannot retrieve the XML of the .ktr or .kjb files via the API, as far as I know. Using the same pattern that works for report definitions, for instance, doesn't work (at least on 9.3). It's possible there may be new API calls; I haven't researched this recently.


    John Craig
    Senior Software Engineer
    Henry Schein One