Object Storage​

  • 1.  Trying to re-add/recover a broken HCP 9.2 Node (VMWARE)

    Posted 11-04-2021 06:32

    we have a set of 4 VM's running HCP 9.2 on VMWARE that we use for testing purposes (S3 Compliance).

    One of the nodes (node 3) broke down (OS crashed/would not boot anymore) and i am trying to re-add this node (which I reinstalled already).

    From the documentation (Deploying an HCP-VM System on ESXi
    Hitachi Vantara Knowledge remove preview
    Deploying an HCP-VM System on ESXi
    This book is the setup guide for Hitachi Content Platform VM systems. It provides the information you need to deploy a virtualized HCP system in your VMware vSphere® environment. In order to complete the installation there are instances where you may want to reference other materials.
    View this on Hitachi Vantara Knowledge >
    ) i cannot see a way how to do it however. For example when in the HCP Configuration Menu, enter s to display the HCP Service Menu does not appear.

    Hopefully someone has an idea what to do here?

    kr, Jan Armijn van Dam

    Jan Armijn van Dam [Designation]
    IT Support Manager

  • 2.  RE: Trying to re-add/recover a broken HCP 9.2 Node (VMWARE)

    Posted 11-04-2021 10:33


    You must use "service" user, as from "Installing and_Maintaining_an_HCP System" manual:



    Step 3: Log in for the OS recovery


    1. Using the service SSH key, use SSH to log into the highest-numbered storage node in the system

    as service.

    For instructions on doing this, see Setting up SSH key authentication (on page 357) .

    1. Enter this command to open the HCP install shell:


    1. In response to the prompt to continue, press Enter.

    The HCP 9.3 Configuration menu appears.


    Marco Bordonali [Designation]
    Customer Service & Support Engineer
    Hitachi Vantara

  • 3.  RE: Trying to re-add/recover a broken HCP 9.2 Node (VMWARE)

    Posted 11-04-2021 11:29

    could you give me a link to that particular document?

    Many thanks

    kr, JA

    Jan Armijn van Dam [Designation]
    Senior Test Engineer

  • 4.  RE: Trying to re-add/recover a broken HCP 9.2 Node (VMWARE)

    Posted 11-04-2021 11:57
    below the link:

    Login Page
    Hitachivantara remove preview
    Login Page
    View this on Hitachivantara >

    Marco Bordonali [Designation]
    Customer Service & Support Engineer
    Hitachi Vantara

  • 5.  RE: Trying to re-add/recover a broken HCP 9.2 Node (VMWARE)

    Posted 11-04-2021 12:05
    Hi Marco,

    Unfortunately i am getting: You do not have permission to view this page.

    Maybe you can attach it to the thread. I am already really grateful for the response!

    kr, JA

    Jan Armijn van Dam [Designation]
    Senior Test Engineer

  • 6.  RE: Trying to re-add/recover a broken HCP 9.2 Node (VMWARE)

    Posted 11-04-2021 12:09
    I'm sorry, this document is only for authorized users.

    Best regards,

    Marco Bordonali [Designation]
    Customer Service & Support Engineer
    Hitachi Vantara

  • 7.  RE: Trying to re-add/recover a broken HCP 9.2 Node (VMWARE)

    Posted 11-05-2021 13:59
    Hi Jan, Do you have access to the service user SSH key? You would follow the instructions in the "Deploying an HCP VM System on ESXi", "Recovering storage nodes" section, but that option is only enabled in the menu if you log in with service user, not as install user. Let me know, and depending on your answer, I'll look around how we can accomplish this with your partnership status.


    Ferenc Gyurcsan [Designation]
    Hitachi Vantara

  • 8.  RE: Trying to re-add/recover a broken HCP 9.2 Node (VMWARE)

    Posted 11-08-2021 04:11
    Hi Ferenc,

    I really appreciate you are trying to help. The system i am talking about here is a functional test system (we use this to validate our software archiving to HCP with S3/REST which is used by our customers) where one of the VM nodes had some kind of issue (the console was filling with 'login incorrect' messages). I have re-installed that node from scratch and now want to re-add it. So far for the use-case...

    To be honest i am not sure about your question. I have no clue about this 'service' user because in the install procedure it is never mentioned. I understand it is needed now but it looks like i am missing documentation that i am not allowed to access.

    Is there perhaps a default password for this service user? About 'Do you have access to the service user SSH key': I think the answer is no.

    Many thanks for showing an interest,

    kr, Jan Armijn van Dam

    Jan Armijn van Dam [Designation]
    Senior Test Engineer