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Can't build Pentaho-kettle

This thread has been viewed 129 times
  • 1.  Can't build Pentaho-kettle

    Posted 05-03-2024 01:12


    I have pulled and built pentaho-kettle from master branch GitHub - pentaho/pentaho-kettle: Pentaho Data Integration ( ETL ) a.k.a Kettle 

    But it throws the error as below

    It's critical for us so, does anyone know how to fix it?

    Oai Le

  • 2.  RE: Can't build Pentaho-kettle

    Posted 05-03-2024 05:13


    IMHO it's not possible. In Maven repository is available only GA versions of platform,,, and

    Petr Prochazka
    Systems Engineer
    P.V.A. systems s.r.o.

  • 3.  RE: Can't build Pentaho-kettle

    Posted 05-05-2024 22:21

    Hi Petr, we're currently using Pentaho Kettle version, and it's been functioning well from an operational standpoint. However, recent security scans have identified vulnerabilities in this version, which pose a potential risk to our data and systems.

    While we'd prefer to maintain stability, addressing these vulnerabilities is a priority. Unfortunately, we're unsure of the best approach to fixing them all.

    Oai Le

  • 4.  RE: Can't build Pentaho-kettle

    Posted 05-06-2024 05:05

    Hello Oia Le, over the last 12 months the focus on the industry in relation to vulnerabilities has increased and the scan processes have also evolved. This translates having new reports and listings coming very frequent. 

    Since 9.4, we have released a big number of Service Packs to address most of those vulnerabilities.

    Our pentaho engineering have been putting a lot of extra effort over the last 6 months to close the vulnerabilities before the release of our next Long Term Support (LTS) Version, which is coming in few months.

    Alexander Schurman
    Solution Architects - Manager

  • 5.  RE: Can't build Pentaho-kettle

    Posted 05-06-2024 23:05

    Thank @Alexander Schurman to reply me.

    I appreciate you confirming that upgrading to a newer version of Pentaho Kettle should significantly reduce the security vulnerabilities in version

    However, I'm encountering some challenges during the upgrade process.  Whenever I attempt to build the newer version, I consistently experience build failures. During the build process, I'm facing errors related to missing dependencies in the Maven Artifactory.

    Could you please advise on how to troubleshoot these missing dependencies?  Are there specific steps I need to take to ensure the required artifacts are available in the Artifactory repository?


    Oai Le

    Oai Le

  • 6.  RE: Can't build Pentaho-kettle

    Posted 05-07-2024 01:54

    Hi Oai,

    Have you managed to build 10.1 at all?  I'm trying to build a 10.x version - but am getting similar errors.

    Would you also be happy to post the git commands you're using to pull the branch/tag from the repository?

    I note that 10.1 exists as a branch but not 10.2 - not sure if that makes any difference.

    Side note - I'm having issues connecting to D365 due to what appears to be MS JDBC / azure security jar dependency clashes with 9.4 - so wanting to try a later CE version.



    Matthew Beale
    Data Service Manager
    National Seniors Australia

  • 7.  RE: Can't build Pentaho-kettle

    Posted 05-07-2024 20:09

    Hi Oai,

    So I get a little further along the process than this.  I separately check out the parent-poms git repo and copy the settings.xml and settings-security.xml files into the .m2 directory of the kettle client and build from there.  

    git clone --single-branch -b
    Get the settings.xml and settings-security.xml files in the maven-support-files directory

    Then checkout the tag/branch you want to build

    git clone --single-branch -b

    Copy the two files above into the .m2 directory you've created as usual

    mvn clean install -DskipTests

    Then it errors trying to resolve dependencies for the pentaho-metastore-locator-api

    If anyone has any suggestions on how to resolve this - that would be much appreciated.

    Matthew Beale
    Data Service Manager
    National Seniors Australia

  • 8.  RE: Can't build Pentaho-kettle

    Posted 05-10-2024 06:53

    Have you done:

    mvn -X clean install


    maven-parent-poms cloned repository and its subdirectories that include pom files? 

    Please additionaly clone and build  with mvn clean install (this one failed as I'm doing it in air gapped env)

    you will go forward but compile will fail - so still something is missing.

  • 9.  RE: Can't build Pentaho-kettle

    Posted 05-14-2024 02:30

    Hi Szymon,

    I've done as you've suggested and am now getting the same issues as you have above.  The pentaho-commons-xul fails to build (but doesn't block anything at this point), and maven then fails in not being able to resolve the pentaho-encryption-support dependency. 

    I've tried changing the kettle /core/pom.xml dependency for pentaho-encryption-support to a different version - but no such luck.  I've tried manually installing the jar file from (one I built earlier) - but I'm a maven and pom.xml novice - so likely am doing something wrong:

    mvn install:install-file -Dfile=pentaho-encryption-support.jar ^
                             -DgroupId=org.pentaho ^
                             -DartifactId=pentaho-encryption-support ^
                             -Dversion= ^

    The error is now slightly different I get a compile failure - but basically, it's the same saying that the encryption support package doesn't exist.

    Will try to work on it some more when I get a chance.

    Matthew Beale
    Data Service Manager
    National Seniors Australia

  • 10.  RE: Can't build Pentaho-kettle

    Posted 05-14-2024 02:46

    Ok - got past that now.  had to remove the 'org.' in the group id.

    mvn install:install-file -Dfile=pentaho-encryption-support.jar ^
                             -DgroupId=pentaho ^
                             -DartifactId=pentaho-encryption-support ^
                             -Dversion= ^



    The build still requires further repositories such as:
    git clone
    git clone

    the journey continues...

    National Seniors Australia

  • 11.  RE: Can't build Pentaho-kettle

    Posted 05-18-2024 06:41


    Thank you for posting this discussion.

    I am also getting this error while trying to build kettle.

    [ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project kettle-core: Could not resolve dependencies for project pentaho-kettle:kettle-core:jar: Could not find artifact org.pentaho:pentaho-encryption-support:jar: in pentaho-public ( -> [Help 1]
    [ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e switch.
    [ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
    [ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please read the following articles:
    [ERROR] [Help 1]

    Where can we get the :pentaho-encryption-support:jar: Jar ?

    Valoriz Digital Pvt. Ltd.

  • 12.  RE: Can't build Pentaho-kettle

    Posted 06-25-2024 21:59


    I face the error as yours, before the day I downloaded pentaho 10.2.x archive and tried to build it, the pentaho-encryption-support block my way. Then I tried snapshot, not helpful. There's no any place to post on github repository to tell them the building procedure has something wrong. 

    Ciro Wei

  • 13.  RE: Can't build Pentaho-kettle

    Posted 07-01-2024 08:06
    Hello Hitachi team/experts,
    I was trying to build Pentaho reporting ( project version community edition. While building it from maven I am getting below error
    "Failed to execute goal on project classic-core: Could not resolve dependencies for project org.pentaho.reporting.engine:classic-core:jar: Could not find artifact org.pentaho:pentaho-encryption-support:jar: in pentaho-public ( -> [Help 1]"
    I tried to search for the artifact pentaho-encryption-support but couldn't find the repository for the same in Pentaho Github.
    Could you please provide URL for the pentaho-encryption-support ?
    Is there any particular module that builds this particular jar?

    Pramod Bhatt

  • 14.  RE: Can't build Pentaho-kettle

    Posted 08-03-2024 18:04


    I went through the installation process (quite cumbersome), but the reason why people aren't able to build it is that hitachi misconfigured repo access for

    The old versions of the pentaho-encryption-support are available eg. if you click on older versions, you can read them:

    but 10.x is not available

    I did some tests using maven cli (they include settings.xml passwords etc): 

    mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-dependency-plugin:3.7.1:get -Dartifact=org.pentaho:pentaho-encryption-support: -DrepoUrl= 


    please compare the results with:

    mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-dependency-plugin:3.7.1:get -Dartifact=org.pentaho:pentaho-encryption-support: -DrepoUrl=

    Artifact downloaded!

    If hitachivantara wants to reproduce that issue, they need to test with ony  devreaduser configured in settings.xml: 

    Overall, it looks like read credentials are messed up in the Hitiach repo; this is why people are forced to check every project manually and are not able to download compiled jars. 

    Jacek Hrominski
    Jacek Hrominski