I contacted the Pentaho support and they told me that there is no plan to produce a 9.5 CE binary download.
It is a real pity, because 9.4 is there but lacks the fixes to the latest vulnérabilises. And we do not know how to get a safe 9.5 CE download.
Kind regards.
Original Message:
Sent: 11/27/2023 2:51:00 PM
From: Mladen Milev
Subject: RE: Pentaho 9.5 community download
Hello Mike,
The Pentaho 9.4 CE is an excellent platform for community use. It was released in 2022, roughly 12 months ago.
Pentaho 9.4 is a non-LTS version and does not benefit from the Pentaho Service Pack releases and component upgrades.
Upgrading Spring to a following minor version on your own might work, though the dependency tree might be more complex.
For latest and most secure Pentaho, please contact our experts and present them with your use case and needs. I am sure they will be able to find a solution for you.
Mladen Milev
Software Development Engineering Senior Manager
Hitachi Vantara
Original Message:
Sent: 11-21-2023 17:09
From: Mike Worthington
Subject: Pentaho 9.5 community download
Thank you for the additional context @Mladen Milev.
I do see that 9.5 and 10.0 bring new versions of Spring Framework.
Given the questions around vulnerability alerts in older versions of Spring, what is your recommendation for managing those alerts with CE 9.4? Although there are Enterprise only features, can CE users go to the newer CE version so we pick up the new Spring version? Or, do we need to stay on 9.4 and upgrade Spring on our own?
Mike Worthington
Systems Engineer
Summit Technology Group
Original Message:
Sent: 11-21-2023 16:04
From: Mladen Milev
Subject: Pentaho 9.5 community download
The most recent community release, available as binary download, is Pentaho CE 9.4.
The Pentaho 9.5 and Pentaho 10.0 release bring exclusively Enterprise functionality.
We welcome you to reach our experts and see how you can benefit from Pentaho Enterprise Release.
Thank you.
Mladen Milev
Software Development Engineering Senior Manager
Hitachi Vantara
Original Message:
Sent: 11-21-2023 10:03
From: Mike Worthington
Subject: Pentaho 9.5 community download
Saw https://community.hitachivantara.com/question/pentao-95-ce-availability today from @Marvin Horst
I am not sure on the official stance from Hitachi on what a "release" means, but these are some references that I follow.
On their support page, 9.5 was released in May (https://support.pentaho.com/hc/en-us/articles/205789159-Pentaho-Product-Version-End-of-Life-Policy)
I noticed a couple weeks ago that the 9.5 documentation was now available (https://help.hitachivantara.com/Documentation/Pentaho/Data_Integration_and_Analytics/9.5/What's_new_in_Pentaho_9.5)
However, 9.4 is still the latest on the marketing download page (https://www.hitachivantara.com/en-us/products/pentaho-platform/data-integration-analytics/pentaho-community-edition.html)
Finaly, fwiw, 10.0 is available on their repo linked by @Petr Prochazka's comment (https://repo.orl.eng.hitachivantara.com/ui/native/pntpub-mvn-release-orl-cache/pentaho/pentaho-server-ce/). I have downloaded and run a few tests from Spoon, but have not run any of our full scale transformations on the new version.
Mike Worthington
Systems Engineer
Summit Technology Group
Original Message:
Sent: 09-26-2023 10:43
From: Alberto AIMAR
Subject: Pentaho 9.5 community download
Dear All
is there any new information about the official download for Pentaho 9.5 CE?
Alberto AIMAR
IT Support Manager
Original Message:
Sent: 08-04-2023 10:01
From: Petr Prochazka
Subject: Pentaho 9.5 community download
Hi Divya,
IMHO official release of CE not available now. But you can download actual latest build v9.5.0.0-240 here.
And replace bin, lib, conf, server in tomcat directory.
Petr Prochazka
Systems Engineer
P.V.A. systems s.r.o.
Original Message:
Sent: 07-26-2023 10:31
From: Divya Joseph
Subject: Pentaho 9.5 community download
Hi All,
We wanted to upgrade Tomcat as we got some vulnerabilities reported.
We are on 9.3 community edition and looking to upgrade only tomcat from 9.5 community version.
Where can we find the community downloadable and are there any worked steps for tomcat upgrade?
Divya Joseph
Systems Engineer