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  • 1.  plugin issue

    Posted 07-05-2022 14:01
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    Hi, I have specific flows with me that I need to update. Before it, I install the snowflake plugin in Pentaho.  i started getting one error
    2022/06/23 20:35:38 - Table input.0 - ERROR (version, build from 2021-06-02 06.36.08 by buildguy) : org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleDatabaseException: 
    2022/06/23 20:35:38 - Table input.0 - Couldn't get row from result set
    2022/06/23 20:35:38 - Table input.0 -  at (null:-1)
    2022/06/23 20:35:38 - Table input.0 -  at (
    2022/06/23 20:35:38 - Table input.0 -  at org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.tableinput.TableInput.processRow (
    2022/06/23 20:35:38 - Table input.0 -  at org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.tableinput.TableInput.doQuery (
    2022/06/23 20:35:38 - Table input.0 -  at org.pentaho.di.core.database.Database.getRow (
    2022/06/23 20:35:38 - Table input.0 -  at org.pentaho.di.core.database.Database.getRow (
    2022/06/23 20:35:38 - Table input.0 -  at org.pentaho.di.core.database.Database.getRow (
    2022/06/23 20:35:38 - Table input.0 -  at org.pentaho.di.core.database.DatabaseMeta.getValueFromResultSet (
    2022/06/23 20:35:38 - Table input.0 -  at org.pentaho.di.core.database.BaseDatabaseMeta.getValueFromResultSet (
    2022/06/23 20:35:38 - Table input.0 -  at org.pentaho.di.core.row.value.ValueMetaBase.getValueFromResultSet (
    2022/06/23 20:35:38 - Table input.0 -  at net.snowflake.client.jdbc.SnowflakeBaseResultSet.getTimestamp (
    2022/06/23 20:35:38 - Table input.0 -  at net.snowflake.client.jdbc.SnowflakeResultSetV1.getTimestamp (
    2022/06/23 20:35:38 - Table input.0 -  at net.snowflake.client.core.SFBaseResultSet.getTimestamp (
    2022/06/23 20:35:38 - Table input.0 - 
    2022/06/23 20:35:38 - Table input.0 -   at org.pentaho.di.core.database.Database.getRow(
    2022/06/23 20:35:38 - Table input.0 -   at org.pentaho.di.core.database.Database.getRow(
    2022/06/23 20:35:38 - Table input.0 -   at org.pentaho.di.core.database.Database.getRow(
    2022/06/23 20:35:38 - Table input.0 -   at org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.tableinput.TableInput.doQuery(
    2022/06/23 20:35:38 - Table input.0 -   at org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.tableinput.TableInput.processRow(
    2022/06/23 20:35:38 - Table input.0 -   at
    2022/06/23 20:35:38 - Table input.0 -   at Source)
    2022/06/23 20:35:38 - Table input.0 - Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
    2022/06/23 20:35:38 - Table input.0 -   at net.snowflake.client.core.SFBaseResultSet.getTimestamp(
    2022/06/23 20:35:38 - Table input.0 -   at net.snowflake.client.jdbc.SnowflakeResultSetV1.getTimestamp(
    2022/06/23 20:35:38 - Table input.0 -   at net.snowflake.client.jdbc.SnowflakeBaseResultSet.getTimestamp(
    2022/06/23 20:35:38 - Table input.0 -   at org.pentaho.di.core.row.value.ValueMetaBase.getValueFromResultSet(
    2022/06/23 20:35:38 - Table input.0 -   at org.pentaho.di.core.database.BaseDatabaseMeta.getValueFromResultSet(
    2022/06/23 20:35:38 - Table input.0 -   at org.pentaho.di.core.database.DatabaseMeta.getValueFromResultSet(
    2022/06/23 20:35:38 - Table input.0 -   at org.pentaho.di.core.database.Database.getRow(
    2022/06/23 20:35:38 - Table input.0 -   ... 6 more

    This error is coming in table input step where i have used sql statement as SELECT * FROM TABLENAME.

    kindly provide the solution.

    Systems Engineer

  • 2.  RE: plugin issue

    Posted 07-06-2022 19:23

    From what I can see in the code, the jdbc connector is not working as expected.   It appears to be using a really old version of the snowflake jdbc code .  Maybe try converting the database connect to a Generic one and specify the driver name stuff instead

    Andrew Cave
    Systems Engineer
    BizCubed Pty Ltd

  • 3.  RE: plugin issue

    Posted 07-30-2022 16:23
    Are you still experiencing this issue? Would you be able to test with 9.3 as we have upgraded the snowflake jdbc driver to their latest?

    Carlos Lopez
    Application Architecture Engineering - Expert
    Hitachi Vantara