
Gary Breder

Hitachi Vantara

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Hitachi Vantara

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I've been with Hitachi Vantara for seven years. Before this, my career has deep roots in leading teams (and also doing a bit of actual work) in business plan development, corporate spokes person, running global executive briefing centers, transforming sales enablement, GTM restructuring, product marketing and corporate messaging. People that know me well think I'm at my best when talking with customers or developing company and solution messages.
I gave up a perfectly good career in sales with the global leader in IT (at the time) to join the ranks of "I'm from corporate, I'm here to help". No regrets, but I do miss working directly with customers and solving their challenges. If nothing else, the hours were better.
The nature of work is to make life rewarding. My reward for the work I do is the honor to provide for my family and community. It also helps with my addictions to sailing, skiing, cycling, and fast motorcycles.
Most influential book in my career: Misbehaving (the making of behavioral economics) by Richard H. Thaler.
Long after graduation, I continue to send money to support the University of Pennsylvania.