
Stephen Rice

Hitachi Vantara

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Hitachi Vantara

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I grew up on a small family farm in Michigan, where we had all traditional farm animals.  I still regularly help the family on the farm as needed.  The farm is also where I hunt small game, turkey, and deer.

I married my wife in 1989 and we have one daughter.  My wife and I have built three houses during our marriage. By saying building the house I mean we developed the design, swinging hammers framing, shingling the roof, installed electrical, installed plumbing and installed heating systems.  

I joined the National Ski Patrol in 1993, I am still an active volunteer ski patroller at Schuss Mountain in Michigan.

In 2020 I was elected as a Trustee for Jerome township, Midland county, Michigan.  I  am still active fulfilling my term.