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 Could not find artifact org.pentaho:pentaho-encryption-support:jar: in pentaho-public (

Pramod Bhatt's profile image
Pramod Bhatt posted 07-01-2024 08:08
Hello Hitachi team/experts,
I was trying to build Pentaho reporting ( project version community edition. While building it from maven I am getting below error
"Failed to execute goal on project classic-core: Could not resolve dependencies for project org.pentaho.reporting.engine:classic-core:jar: Could not find artifact org.pentaho:pentaho-encryption-support:jar: in pentaho-public ( -> [Help 1]"
I tried to search for the artifact pentaho-encryption-support but couldn't find the repository for the same in Pentaho Github.
Could you please provide URL for the pentaho-encryption-support ?
Is there any particular module that builds this particular jar?