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 Protector VMware + HCP Dataflow Best Practice

Daniel Paquet's profile image
Daniel Paquet posted 09-19-2023 09:33


I have been playing around with Protector and trying to figure out what the best way would be to backup dozens of VMs to HCP. 

For Protector VMWare Backups, what would be best practice between the following two setups:

  • A Dataflow containing a single Policy. Within that Policy, I create one Classification (VMWare Backup) for wich I would add each VM individually under "Include Items"
    • Is it best to select individual VM or should I select a whole Host or Datacenter?
    • In this scenario, will I be able to restore the included VMs individually?
  • A Dataflow containing a single Policy. Within that Policy I create a Classification (VMWare Backup) per VM.

In regards to File-Level backups of the same VMs. Is it correct to assume that I would need the a client running on each VM in order to accomplish this? Is there a way of doing it agentless, using VMWare Snapshots going to some block storage then into a repo? Can I send that to HCP somehow? What is my best bet when it comes to being able to do some file-level restores of multiple VMs using Protector (idealy agentless)?

Thank you for any guidance you can give me. Hopefully, I was clear enough in my explanations.

