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 Run Pentaho jobs from local GitHub repo

Marcie Hallan's profile image
Marcie Hallan posted 06-20-2024 15:41

First off, I'm not a developer. Please forgive me if I use the incorrect terminology. I'm here to gather info for those in the know.

Our current situation is as follows - and works well:

  • Running PDI 9.3 Enterprise on AWS EC2
  • Using the native repo on the Pentaho service on EC2

What we want:

  • Keep current set up
  • Add local GitHub repo
    • we will download the jobs/directories from the EC2 one time and add to local repo
  • Develop and test locally using Git's versioning/PR standards
  • Upload approved jobs back to Pentaho repo on EC2 for production runs

I've successfully downloaded and added the existing jobs/directories to a GitHub repo. I have that repo selected in the desktop UI. So far I'm unable to run a successful job from Git. I think I should be able to run jobs from Git using the EC2 as long as I have the slave server configured (and I do). The error I'm getting:

2024/06/20 16:19:15 - Get system date for S3 folders - ERROR (version, build from 2022-04-12 04.56.25 by buildguy) : Unable to run job <jobname>. The Get system date for S3 folders has an error. The transformation path <jobpath>/<jobname> is invalid, and will not run successfully.
2024/06/20 16:19:15 - Get system date for S3 folders - ERROR (version, build from 2022-04-12 04.56.25 by buildguy) : org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleXMLException: 

Is it possible to have it both ways, so to speak? Is there a way to configure this pathway for dev/testing when the jobs use the EC2 for various file handling, script running, system date/time, etc? Any detailed help you can provide will be appreciated. Please let me know if you need more info from me.