I am using the 30 days trail env.
I created a repository in spoon and see the .kettle file automatically updated with it.
I created a transformation (.ktr) and imported the file to the repository.
Trying in postman:
rep: my_rep
rep_transforamtion_name: %2Fhome%2FGettingStartedTransformation.ktr
I am getting:
<message>Unexpected error executing the transformation:
Unable to find repository: my_rep
When I am trying
transforamtion_name : C:%2FPentaho%2Fdesign-tools%2Fdata-integration%2Fsamples%2Ftransformations%2FAdd a sequence - Basic example
I am getting
<message>Missing mandatory parameter rep</message>
Could you please advice how to run the transformation via repository and locally in the trail env.