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 Troubles on PDI 9.4 with Java 17 on Debian 12

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Frank Geiger's profile image
Frank Geiger posted 02-11-2024 07:55

Hi there, 

hopefully I could get some help here. We upgraded to Debian 12 and I can't make PDI run properly. 

Java seems to be the reason. 

I am working on a tiny transformation using the REST client and the json step.

In PDI 9.3, Java 8, Debian 11 it works flawlessly. 

In my actual configuration I keep getting the error:

 java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class$TLSContext

Actual config:

PDI 9.4 with Hadoop

openjdk version "17.0.10" 2024-01-16
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 17.0.10+7-Debian-1deb12u1)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 17.0.10+7-Debian-1deb12u1, mixed mode, sharing)

Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm)

2nd not so urgent problem: 
Karaf doesnt seemt work though I added the hadoop addon. 

Thus I can't use the marketplace. 

How can I fix all this?

Thanks for your help. 


Petr Prochazka's profile image
Petr Prochazka Best Answer

Hi Frank,

IMHO problem is Java 17. This version is not supported by PDI v9.4. Supported versions are Java 1.8 or Java 11.

And pls provide full stack trace of error, where is exception is raised.

Add Karaf, this can relate with previous part.

Frank Geiger's profile image
Frank Geiger

Thanks @Petr Prochazka!

No everything seems to work!