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 Upgrade Ops Center with Docker to latest version

Ivan Alvarez's profile image
Ivan Alvarez posted 09-04-2023 02:52

Hi Ops Center Community

I have a customer with an old Ops Center deployment. It's a physical server running RHEL 7.9 with Docker (v24). As I want to avoid a full rebuild with RHEL8 and Podman I've been told I can simply upgrade Ops Center to latest 10.9.2.
I have in mind to take a backup with VAM and execute the Installation Media script to upgrade.

Any hint or advice? Am I missing something?
Help is much appreciated.

Best regards

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Hello Ivan

Is it just Administrator that's important at this client? 

Why dont you just take a backup of the old one and import it into the latest version and see if that works? 

Alternatively it will be quite a bit of hops to get it current. 

Ivan Alvarez's profile image
Ivan Alvarez

@ the problem is, this is a physical server and the only possible way is Installation Media script. I don't have any other server or OVA to deploy, I need to do it at the same location. 
Administrator is running but Analyzer too, which is key for the customer as it's their monitoring.
I don't know if there's a "perfect" approach for this scenario, that's why I thought the less complicated one is, simply upgrade. What do you think?