
Max Bobzien

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Posted By Max Bobzien 07-23-2019 22:04
Found In Community: Pentaho
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Ok but what command do you use to actually kill the carte server so you dont start a new one while the old one is still running? And did I get that right: for every job that you have, you set the first transformation always like that?
Posted By Max Bobzien 07-22-2019 21:08
Found In Community: Pentaho
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Hi, Has somebody here a .bat file or other idea on how to restart the Carte server on a Windows VM every 24 hours? I have noticed that after running it for 6-7 days, it starts to get GC overhead limit exceeded errors and crashes. If I then restart the server, all is back to normal for the next few days. ...
Posted By Max Bobzien 07-22-2019 15:56
Found In Community: Pentaho
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Hi, Is there an easy way to take the data from a Table Input step and convert it somehow to get the verbose output like when running SQLs in the console? Order Ref    ASIN        Location    Case                Due Date    IDXXjxgkYRS    XXX1DQ48M5    0130403050    1234500000812889    2019-07-19    14XX2ThCPpC    ...
Posted By Max Bobzien 09-14-2018 22:19
Found In Community: Pentaho
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No, did not use that one.
Posted By Max Bobzien 09-13-2018 03:50
Found In Community: Pentaho
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Hi, I have a transformation where I use a database lookup or database join step to look up a value from my database. The problem is: it does not find the record in my table! I am 100 % sure it is there and if I run the SQL in another editor it returns the result but not from PDI. When I run the same ...