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Posted By Unknown 06-18-2024 08:43
Found In Egroup: Pentaho
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I was looking for the license applicable for Pentaho 9.2 version. The download screen shows licensed under LGPLV2, GPLv2 and MPL1.1 However when I downloaded the source code, it shows licensed under LGPLv2. Can someone guide on what exact licensing policy applicable for the community version ...
Posted By Unknown 12-07-2023 05:17
Found In Egroup: Pentaho
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Hello team I am using Pentaho Table Input step to fetch data from a Postgresql database join. The query used takes 56 seconds to finish whereas the same query when executed using the pgadmin finish in less than 7 seconds. I collected the execution plan and could find that the execution plan running ...
Posted By Unknown 08-07-2023 04:46
Found In Egroup: Pentaho
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We get Error 400 while using Amazon S3 REST API to upload a file using Pentaho REST Client. The same REST API Body works fine using POSTMAN client. Has anyone tried this before? Does this work? Is there an alternative using HTTP POST step to do the same? ------------------------------ Sachin ...