
Marta Serra


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Posted By Marta Serra 09-03-2024 03:29
Found In Egroup: Pentaho
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Hello Bill: We had the same problem, and in our case, we found that it was due a problem with security rules in our network sistem operation, microsoft firewall, that detected the job extension (.kjb) as a bad file. Our system people had to create and exception in secutities rules to avoid the problem. ...
Posted By Marta Serra 11-12-2021 04:10
Found In Library: Pentaho
Posted By Marta Serra 11-12-2021 04:10
Found In Egroup: Pentaho
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Hello! We have a simple transformation that is getting a json file after callind a Rest API with the Rest Client Step. After getting the JSON file, we managed the data with JSON input step.  We ran it with PDI release 8.2.  The JSON file incresed to 500.000 row aproximately. From 8.2 release we ...