
John Craig

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Posted By John Craig 10-24-2018 18:35
Found In Community: Pentaho
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Rather than adding a delay to the PDI transformation, Id suggest using either the Schedule capability that is built into the PDI Client or running the transformation via pan.bat or (as appropriate for your environment) using the host operating systems scheduling capability.
Posted By John Craig 09-06-2018 18:28
Found In Community: Pentaho
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Are you definitely in the Design context for a Transformation and not a Job? I cannot tell for certain from your illustrations because my Chinese its good enough and all I can see is that there are different step group headings. Heres what I see--but note that this is in a Transformation. Perhaps try ...
Posted By John Craig 09-06-2018 18:15
Found In Community: Pentaho
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Chris, Roger is talking about special characters in the filename itself, not in the contents of the zipped file. Roger, you might be able to make a shell call to an operating system command to do the unzipping (it might handle the special characters better). Then youd pick up the unzipped content via ...
Posted By John Craig 09-06-2018 18:10
Found In Community: Pentaho
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Some issues here: 1)     The PostgreSQL Bulk loader step only works with a PostgreSQL database That step cannot connect to a SQL Server database. 2)     The Table Output step is probably your best option Set the Commit size value to a fairly large number (so that PDI doesnt do COMMIT TRANSACTION commands ...
Posted By John Craig 09-06-2018 17:48
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Sorry to be so slow getting back to you. I assume youve figured something out by now. But heres a fragment from a PowerShell script that we use as part of upgrading our ETL. The first part just builds the long set of arguments to run the launcher.jar which invokes org.pentaho.di.imp.Import (note that ...
Posted By John Craig 08-09-2018 17:49
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The Row Normalizer step might help get the several rows for an employee onto one row for processing, but I assume the header you show is not repeated for each employee and there may be no way to grab the different rows into fields because the number of rows for a given employee may not always be 3, right? ...
Posted By John Craig 08-09-2018 17:09
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With a bit more information, we maybe can be more help... What is the source of the data? Approximately how many rows are you processing during a run? What settings are you using on the Update step? What is the target database (PostgreSQL, SQL Server, mySQL, whatever)? Do all rows you are processing ...
Posted By John Craig 08-09-2018 16:57
Found In Community: Pentaho
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The trick may be that the JSON Input step is only available in a transformation, not in a job.   Try creating a Transformation rather than a Job and youll find it right under the Input options under the Design tab (you can also enter JSON into the field next to the Steps label and the step tree will ...
Posted By John Craig 08-09-2018 16:50
Found In Community: Pentaho
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I am not sure this will be any help, but in some cases (such as in a PowerShell script), weve found it easier to run the Pentaho classes directly by calling java.exe rather than through the standard batch files. We just pulled the pieces out of the batch file that we needed and built the full command ...
Posted By John Craig 08-09-2018 16:40
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There is a quite different option, if you continue to have trouble with the REST call step (although it sounds like youre on the right track now): we had a case where we had no luck with either the REST Call or the HTTP Client steps (and Pentaho support was unable to figure out how to make either of ...
Posted By John Craig 02-08-2018 22:11
Found In Community: Pentaho
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The Transformations / Select Values step allows you to easily change the names of columns; unfortunately, youll have to list each one (but unless its a really long list of columns, thats not too onerous if the list of columns is fairly static--or theres only a handful of columns whose names you need ...
Posted By John Craig 02-08-2018 21:59
Found In Community: Pentaho
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Helpful Pentaho support staff member pointed me to this link (hit Show More to enable it): Working with Version History - Pentaho Documentation The older behavior is available, its just not enabled by default and its not something you can enable from w/in Spoon.
Posted By John Craig 02-08-2018 16:56
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Hi Folks, Im missing the revision tracking that was part of 6.1 (skipped 7.0). Is there a way to force the display of the Comment dialog upon saving a Job/Transformation in 7.1? Is there a way to view the revision history/comments in the Repository Explorer. Thanks, John #PentahoDataIntegrationPDI #Spoon ...
Posted By John Craig 01-03-2018 18:04
Found In Community: Pentaho
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Kenice, We use both separation of tasks into 2 transformations and the Block this step until steps finish methods (depending upon how things fit together most logically). That is, sometimes the job running a transformation is already complicated enough without adding another transformation that would ...