
Igor Martins


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Posted By Igor Martins 03-11-2024 14:10
Found In Egroup: Pentaho
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Hi Petr, I thought about using group by step, but when I use this step, if I have 1000 lines, with 250  from 4 sellers, it aggregates them, removing the columns that are not part of the key and the output now has 4 lines and not the same 1000 .. The output I would like is: customer , purchase, ...
Posted By Igor Martins 03-11-2024 12:32
Found In Egroup: Pentaho
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Hi, someone could help me to create a group counter?  What I mean? I have a source with lot of register. In this source, I have two columns (customer and purchase) that repeat several times, due to the purchase items. One purchase can have one or more items. Now I want to create a column that counts ...
Posted By Igor Martins 02-14-2023 14:37
Found In Egroup: Pentaho
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Hi Guys, I need to consume an API that in the header I need to pass the Authorization that is a bearer? How can I do that? In my test, before the Rest Client step I put a Generate Rows with 2 fields: URL: my endpopint Authorization: with the value Bearer (my_token) In the job properties I also create ...