
Zvika Rosenfeld


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I am a highly passionate and dedicated senior manager in infrastructure, known for being the first to open and the last to leave the office. My commitment to excellence is reflected in my hard work and loyalty. I thrive in challenging environments, where I can lead, motivate, and train productive teams. As a fast learner, I constantly adopt new knowledge and integrate it into my daily work.
In my role, I have successfully driven profitable growth through strategic technical initiatives, managing compliance, and overseeing complex projects in R&D, cloud, data center, networking, security, and more. My experience with leading brands in the IT industry has honed my skills in exceeding customer expectations in service delivery and minimizing business and production impacts.
I possess excellent interpersonal, communication, and negotiation skills, which aid in developing and maintaining strong internal and external relationships. My results-driven approach focuses on creating and executing strategies contributing to the business's bottom line.

Top skills

Information Technology • Business Process Improvement • Operations Management • Complex Project Management • Natural leader • Negotiation skills • Presentation skills • Architecture