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Express Installer Analyzer detail view issue

This thread has been viewed 65 times
  • 1.  Express Installer Analyzer detail view issue

    Posted 02-13-2023 09:54


    when installing Ops Center 10.9.0 Analyzer detail view using the Express Installer we ran into the following problem:

    KAOP71043-E There is no device that can be specified as the installation directory for Analyzer detail view. Refer to Analyzer detail view documentation for device condition.

    The installation of all other Ops Center products works fine.

    J�rg Backschues
    Solution Architect
    Kramer & Crew GmbH & Co. KG

  • 2.  RE: Express Installer Analyzer detail view issue

    Posted 02-13-2023 10:37

    Hello Jorg

    Do you perhaps have an Install log or screenshot of the settings used, that lead to the error? Or are you looking for somebody to test the install of 10.9 and see if it works for them as an example?


    William Jansen van Nieuwenhuizen
    Hitachi Vantara

  • 3.  RE: Express Installer Analyzer detail view issue

    Posted 02-14-2023 12:32

    Hello William,

    thanks for your feedback.

    We installed the Ops Center on the following Linux system:

    [root@host mnt]# cat /etc/redhat-release
    Red Hat Enterprise Linux release 8.6 (Ootpa)
    [root@host mnt]# df -h /
    Filesystem           Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
    /dev/mapper/ol-root   70G   13G   58G  19% /

    The Express Installer aborts  with the following error message:

    [root@lnxs001 mnt]# ./
    Choose the products you want to install:
    1. All
    2. Hitachi Ops Center Common Services       10.9.0-02
    3. Hitachi Ops Center Administrator         10.9.0-01
    4. Hitachi Ops Center Protector             7.5.1
    5. Hitachi Ops Center Analyzer              10.9.0-01
    6. Hitachi Ops Center Analyzer detail view  10.9.0     [New Install]
    (Use commas to separate multiple entries)
    Enter a number or q to quit [default=1]: 6

    Enter parameters for Analyzer detail view.
    KAOP71043-E There is no device that can be specified as the installation directory for Analyzer detail view. Refer to Analyzer detail view documentation for device condition.

    The PreCheck verification was sucessfull.

    [root@host ANALYTICS]# ./
     Analytics Precheck                          ver. 10.9.0-01

    [ Check results ]
    Ops Center Analyzer detail view server [10.9.0-00]      [OK]
    Ops Center Analyzer server [10.9.0-01]                  [OK]

    [ Details ]
    Check premise OS version.                               [OK]

    [ Details related to the Ops Center Analyzer detail view server ]
    Check required RPM packages.                            [OK]
    Check required command path.                            [OK]
    Check recommended command path.                         [OK]
    Check OS user.                                          [OK]
    Check java environment.                                 [OK]
    Check kernel info.                                      [OK]
    Check directory for noexec mount option.                [OK]

    [ Details related to the Ops Center Analyzer server ]
    Check disk size for work directory.                     [OK]
    Check required RPM packages.                            [OK]
    Check other products that use the Common #component.     [OK]
    Check directory for noexec mount option.                [OK]

    The Analytics Installer aborts  with the following error message:

    [root@lnxs001 ANALYTICS]# ./ NEW
    [ERR]  Failed to change the file permissions.
    [ERR]  Target files:

    J�rg Backschues
    Solution Architect
    Kramer & Crew GmbH & Co. KG

  • 4.  RE: Express Installer Analyzer detail view issue

    Posted 02-14-2023 12:33

  • 5.  RE: Express Installer Analyzer detail view issue

    Posted 02-14-2023 09:48

    Hi Jorg

    While you are installing the Analyzer Detail view server using express installer, you must create a separate drive partition like /sdb or /sdc for Analyzer detail view to get installed and you have to specify that drive letter at the time of installation, or if you are installing it in VM you can also add an external drive from the edit section option of that VM and at the time of installation you can specify that drive letter.

    Souvik Bose
    Hardware Test Engineer - Advanced
    Hitachi Vantara

  • 6.  RE: Express Installer Analyzer detail view issue

    Posted 02-14-2023 10:47

    Hi Souvik, 

    yes - you are right.
    In the current Analyzer Installation and Configuration Guide - Page 85,
    its described what to do. 

    Regards Sven
    Good luck Jörg ;-) 

    Sven Kirsten
    Systems Engineer
    SVA System Vertrieb Alexander GmbH

  • 7.  RE: Express Installer Analyzer detail view issue

    Posted 02-14-2023 11:14



    thanks for your feedback.


    As you can see the separate drive is available, but will not be recognized by the installer.


    [root@lnxs001 ~]# lsblk


    sda           8:0    0      1T  0 disk

    ├─sda1        8:1    0    600M  0 part /boot/efi

    ├─sda2        8:2    0      1G  0 part /boot

    └─sda3        8:3    0 1022.4G  0 part

      ├─ol-root 252:0    0     70G  0 lvm  /

      ├─ol-swap 252:1    0   23.7G  0 lvm  [SWAP]

      └─ol-home 252:2    0  928.8G  0 lvm  /home

    sdb           8:16   0    500G  0 disk

    sr0          11:0    1    6.4G  0 rom


    [root@lnxs001 install]# ./

    Choose the products you want to install:

    1. All

    2. Hitachi Ops Center Common Services       10.9.0-02

    3. Hitachi Ops Center Administrator         10.9.0-01

    4. Hitachi Ops Center Protector             7.5.1

    5. Hitachi Ops Center Analyzer              10.9.0-01

    6. Hitachi Ops Center Analyzer detail view  10.9.0     [New Install]

    (Use commas to separate multiple entries)

    Enter a number or q to quit [default=1]: 6


    Enter parameters for Analyzer detail view.

    KAOP71043-E There is no device that can be specified as the installation directory for Analyzer detail view. Refer to Analyzer detail view documentation for device condition.


    I'm using the Analytics installer directly, but there's no prompt.


    [root@lnxs001 ANALYTICS]# ./

    [ERR]  An invalid parameter is specified.

    [ERR]  Usage : /install/ANALYZER/ANALYTICS/ [NEW|VUP]

    [root@lnxs001 ANALYTICS]# ./ NEW

    Do you want to install the Ops Center Analyzer detail view server? (y/n) [n]: y


    [INFO] Ops Center Analyzer server is already installed.




    Installation Product

    (1) Ops Center Analyzer detail view server


    Do you want to install the server listed above? (y/n) [n]: y


    [INFO] Analytics installer started


    Installation of the Ops Center Analyzer detail view server


    [INFO] Installation of the Ops Center Analyzer detail view server started.


    [Partition parameter]


    <System device information>


    sda           8:0    0      1T  0 disk

    |-sda1        8:1    0    600M  0 part /boot/efi

    |-sda2        8:2    0      1G  0 part /boot

    `-sda3        8:3    0 1022.4G  0 part

      |-ol-root 252:0    0     70G  0 lvm  /

      |-ol-swap 252:1    0   23.7G  0 lvm  [SWAP]

      `-ol-home 252:2    0  928.8G  0 lvm  /home

    sdb           8:16   0    500G  0 disk

    sr0          11:0    1    6.4G  0 rom


    [ERR]  There is no device that can be specified as the installation directory.

    [ERR]  Installation of the Ops Center Analyzer detail view server failed.

    Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best regards

    i. A.  Jörg Backschues   | Solution Architect 
    Gruppenleiter Storage Solutions

    Kramer & Crew GmbH & Co. KG | Am Lichtbogen 38 | 45141 Essen
    Telefon: +49 201 946947-15 | Fax: +49 201 946947-39

    Auszeichnung zum EMEA Momentum Partner of the Year 2022!
    Unser Fokuspartner NUTANIX hat uns für unsere Kundenanstrengungen in den zurückliegenden Jahren der Pandemie und den unermüdlichen Support mit dem Titel: Nutanix 2022 EMEA Momentum Partner of the Year ausgezeichnet.


    Kramer & Crew GmbH & Co.KG, Sitz: Köln, Registergericht:Amtsgericht Köln HRA 24064, Geschäftsführer: Uwe Kramer, Dietmar Hensch Pers. haft. Gesellschafterin:
    Kramer & Crew Beteiligungs GmbH, Registergericht: Amtsgericht Köln HRB 58216 Unsere Hinweise zum Umgang mit personenbezogenen Daten finden Sie hier.

  • 8.  RE: Express Installer Analyzer detail view issue

    Posted 02-14-2023 11:50

    try to create a partion by hand - just an idea - not sure if it helps 

    Sven Kirsten
    Systems Engineer
    SVA System Vertrieb Alexander GmbH

  • 9.  RE: Express Installer Analyzer detail view issue

    Posted 02-15-2023 02:54



    Thanks for your support.


    Now I found the solution :-).


    Please verify that the partition is **completely** empty (no partition or volume information).


    [root@lnxs001 ANALYTICS]# fdisk -l /dev/sdb

    Disk /dev/sdb: 500 GiB, 536870912000 bytes, 1048576000 sectors

    Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes

    Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes

    I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes

    Disklabel type: dos

    Disk identifier: 0x42b6457d


    And, if the installation fails in the 1st step, please also remove the data directory manually.


    rm -rf /data/


    From my point of view the installer should give more information when the device or directory requirements are missing.








    Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best regards

    i. A.  Jörg Backschues   | Solution Architect 
    Gruppenleiter Storage Solutions

    Kramer & Crew GmbH & Co. KG | Am Lichtbogen 38 | 45141 Essen
    Telefon: +49 201 946947-15 | Fax: +49 201 946947-39

    Auszeichnung zum EMEA Momentum Partner of the Year 2022!
    Unser Fokuspartner NUTANIX hat uns für unsere Kundenanstrengungen in den zurückliegenden Jahren der Pandemie und den unermüdlichen Support mit dem Titel: Nutanix 2022 EMEA Momentum Partner of the Year ausgezeichnet.


    Kramer & Crew GmbH & Co.KG, Sitz: Köln, Registergericht:Amtsgericht Köln HRA 24064, Geschäftsführer: Uwe Kramer, Dietmar Hensch Pers. haft. Gesellschafterin:
    Kramer & Crew Beteiligungs GmbH, Registergericht: Amtsgericht Köln HRB 58216 Unsere Hinweise zum Umgang mit personenbezogenen Daten finden Sie hier.

  • 10.  RE: Express Installer Analyzer detail view issue

    Posted 02-15-2023 03:00

    Hello Jörg

    That's good news! I'll pass the feedback onto PM.

    Best Regards


    William Jansen van Nieuwenhuizen
    Hitachi Vantara

  • 11.  RE: Express Installer Analyzer detail view issue

    Posted 03-07-2023 04:11

    This process gave me a bit of a run-around. In the end, what I found works is that you should not pre-create a filesystem /data or even a partition. You only need to provide a raw disk and then it works just fine. The installer does the creation of the partition and the lvm.

    Hamza Maal
    Technical Consultant - Senior
    Hitachi Vantara