
Jakir Hussain

Information dynamic India pvt ltd

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Information dynamic India pvt ltd

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Posted By Jakir Hussain 02-08-2024 06:53
Found In Community: Pentaho
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Yes, sometimes we face OutOfMemory Error, but also in most of the scenarios without OutOfMemory Error the services will be abruptly stopped, when we checked in pentaho.log & catalina.out, above error is only continuosly writing. please tell, how can i upload JFR dump here? @Petr Prochazka
Posted By Jakir Hussain 02-08-2024 06:35
Found In Community: Pentaho
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Hi @Petr Prochazka, Thanks for your revert Sure, I will share the requested details. But can you confirm whether this will consume more heap memory & make the server unresponsive & make the process to shutdown. Thanks & Regards, Jakir Hussain M
Posted By Jakir Hussain 02-08-2024 02:44
Found In Community: Pentaho
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Hi All, We are having pentaho-server community edition with embedded tomcat for report purposes, here we are facing below exception writing in logs for every minute & we suspect these might consume the available heap memory & making the JVM unresponsive, it will be more helpful if we found a way to resolve ...
Posted By Jakir Hussain 01-22-2024 01:57
Found In Community: Pentaho
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Hi All, We are planning for making setup of pentaho server community edition with JBOSS EAP application server in domain mode configuration. Is there any possiblilty to do this setup, if so, please share link or documentation regarding this. Also, is there any documentation or option in getting high ...