
Jörg Backschues

Kramer & Crew GmbH & Co. KG

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Kramer & Crew GmbH & Co. KG

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Posted By Jörg Backschues 02-23-2024 04:54
Found In Egroup: Flash Storage​
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Hello, where can i download the offline PDL (Product Dokumentation Library) now? ------------------------------ Jörg Backschues Systems Engineer Kramer & Crew GmbH & Co. KG ------------------------------
Posted By Jörg Backschues 03-24-2023 10:14
Found In Egroup: Hitachi Ops Center​
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I've just removed some temp data. Now it works. ------------------------------ J�rg Backschues Solution Architect Kramer & Crew GmbH & Co. KG ------------------------------
Posted By Jörg Backschues 03-13-2023 06:21
Found In Egroup: Hitachi Ops Center​
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Hello, we installed Ops Center 10.9.1 with Analyser,  Analyser Detail View Server & Probe. The following probes were created. The probe is successfully connected to the Analyser Detail View Server. From the Analyser Detail View Server perspective something goes wrong. Any idea how to ...
Posted By Jörg Backschues 03-01-2023 08:24
Found In Egroup: Hitachi Ops Center​
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Hello William, we are using a VSP E590 w/o SVP. ------------------------------ J�rg Backschues Solution Architect Kramer & Crew GmbH & Co. KG ------------------------------
Posted By Jörg Backschues 03-01-2023 07:22
Found In Egroup: Hitachi Ops Center​
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Hello, forward and reverse DNS resolving has been verified succesfully. ------------------------------ J�rg Backschues Solution Architect Kramer & Crew GmbH & Co. KG ------------------------------
Posted By Jörg Backschues 03-01-2023 07:20
Found In Egroup: Hitachi Ops Center​
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Hello, when launching the Storage Advisor Embedded through Ops Center Administrator 10.9.0 we get the following error message: "Storage Advisor Embedded is not accessible. Please verify network connectivity." ------------------------------ J�rg Backschues Solution Architect Kramer & Crew ...
Posted By Jörg Backschues 02-16-2023 09:33
Found In Egroup: Hitachi Ops Center​
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Hello, how can we adopt an existing Snapshot configuration into the Ops Center Administrator? If we try to modify the existing Snapshot configuration, we'll get the following error message: "Selected volume is in an unmanaged volume pair or not in any Ops Center Administrator replication groups." ...
Posted By Jörg Backschues 02-15-2023 02:54
Found In Egroup: Hitachi Ops Center​
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Hello,   Thanks for your support.   Now I found the solution :-).   Please verify that the partition is **completely** empty (no partition or volume information).   [root@lnxs001 ANALYTICS]# fdisk -l /dev/sdb Disk /dev/sdb: 500 GiB, 536870912000 bytes, 1048576000 sectors Units: sectors of ...
Posted By Jörg Backschues 02-14-2023 12:32
Found In Egroup: Hitachi Ops Center​
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Hello William, thanks for your feedback. We installed the Ops Center on the following Linux system: [root@host mnt]# cat /etc/redhat-release Red Hat Enterprise Linux release 8.6 (Ootpa) [root@host mnt]# df -h / Filesystem           Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/mapper/ol-root   70G   13G ...
Posted By Jörg Backschues 02-14-2023 11:13
Found In Egroup: Hitachi Ops Center​
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Hello, thanks for your feedback. As you can see the separate drive is available, but will not be recognized by the installer. [root@lnxs001 ~]# lsblk NAME MAJ:MIN RM SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINT sda 8:0 0 1T 0 disk sda1 8:1 0 600M 0 part /boot/efi sda2 8:2 0 1G 0 part /boot sda3 8:3 0 1022.4G ...
Posted By Jörg Backschues 02-13-2023 09:54
Found In Egroup: Hitachi Ops Center​
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Hello, when installing Ops Center 10.9.0 Analyzer detail view using the Express Installer we ran into the following problem: KAOP71043-E There is no device that can be specified as the installation directory for Analyzer detail view. Refer to Analyzer detail view documentation for device condition. ...