
luiz kava

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Posted By luiz kava 03-28-2019 00:50
Found In Community: Pentaho
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I solved changing the connection port to 1433, that was 2820 (I dont why , my client seems little bit crazy) , and in my connection I had to use sql server connection instead of  sql server (native) .
Posted By luiz kava 03-25-2019 13:40
Found In Community: Pentaho
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Jill RossIm looking yet
Posted By luiz kava 03-25-2019 13:39
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Johan Hammink, when I try connect in this server using telnet server port it works very well, I can connect using SQL Server Management Studio as well...
Posted By luiz kava 03-22-2019 17:32
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Hi, Im having a problem when I try to connect into database sql server 2008 r2. When I click in the test connection, it throws bellow exception. I dont know why, because Ive the jdbcdriver 4.2 in my lib path. Error connecting to database [INTEGRO] :org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleDatabaseException: ...
Posted By luiz kava 02-18-2019 14:42
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I managed to make thanks to you.... Your help was so helpfull, thanks a lot Paulo
Posted By luiz kava 02-14-2019 17:54
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thanks man, I managed to do. tell me now, Im trying to generate a new row each object from my array json, do you know how to do? my loop overrides the last value, so at the end Ive just one row, even my json having many objects.
Posted By luiz kava 02-14-2019 15:59
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Thanks Paulo, but Ive already tried it, also doesnt work
Posted By luiz kava 02-14-2019 14:16
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Im trying to get values from json, come from web-service, but when I try to use JSON.parse(variable), It throws a excepetion SyntaxError: Unexpected token: t (script#4). Im sure that this script works, I work very well in other editor. Below the mentioned json. [ ( id: 787365732584980480, numeroProposta: ...
Posted By luiz kava 02-14-2019 13:57
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Thanks a lot Roguen Kellerit was so helpfull. I had a prbolem with my keystore, I just recovered and if back working.
Posted By luiz kava 02-08-2019 13:47
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Hi. I used Json in my request. I think both, rest client and rest client dont have high perfromance, in my case I work with few reccords, but even so take several seconds.
Posted By luiz kava 02-08-2019 13:41
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Im trying call a rest webservice using rest client step, when I start my transfom it throws the following error. 2019/02/08 11:14:06 - REST Client.0 - No X509TrustManager implementation available Does anyone know how to solve ...
Posted By luiz kava 12-06-2018 20:31
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I solved this issue using Http Post, it worked very well, thanks everyone for your help... regards
Posted By luiz kava 12-06-2018 20:23
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Ive to call an soap web-service onn my transformatio, but when i try make lookup the spoon throw the message 403 - Permisson Denied, It means that pentaho not recognize my digital certificate.  Ive already installed the digital certificate on my machine, I have the  pfx and .cer archive. I dont know ...
Posted By luiz kava 08-07-2018 23:42
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Brandon Jackson Im very grateful for your informations. You said about Charles debug, It was really useful. I didnt know it, and how to check SSL certificate as well.   BTW Im using version 8.0.
Posted By luiz kava 08-07-2018 03:02
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Thanks a lot Brandon Jackson, Theres no way to make REST CLIENT setp, It doesnt work as it should.... I think there is a bug on this setp, because its a simple concept, just put json body into body field, just it... I solve my problem using HTTP POST, like pic I attached, I just spent a long time with ...
Posted By luiz kava 08-06-2018 13:55
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no one ? Im thinking it doesnt work. Isnt possible call post webservices using json body
Posted By luiz kava 08-04-2018 19:26
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Im using rest client step like below I dont know why but it doesnt work, the body generated for my java script works very well on postman. #Pentaho #PentahoDataIntegrationPDI #Kettle