
Szymon Zycinski

ZF Automotive Poland

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ZF Automotive Poland

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Posted By Szymon Zycinski 05-10-2024 06:53
Found In Egroup: Pentaho
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Have you done: mvn -X clean install in  maven-parent-poms cloned repository and its subdirectories that include pom files?  Please additionaly clone and build  with mvn clean install https://git ...
Posted By Szymon Zycinski 01-28-2024 02:37
Found In Egroup: Pentaho
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Hello Is there any configuration parameter that influences number of rows read by PDI when table output step is opened? At the moment on large tables PDI get stuck until it reads complete content of table to determine sizing of the fields and prepare possible sql statements. It is real pain sometimes ...
Posted By Szymon Zycinski 09-26-2023 06:54
Found In Community: Pentaho
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Hello I use call db procedure in 9.4 CE however it does not work well. In logs from server I see that this step is doing: ERROR:  procedure_name(character varying, character varying) is a procedure at character 15 HINT:  To call a procedure, use CALL. STATEMENT:  select * from procedure_name( $1,  $2) ...