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Posted By Unknown 05-14-2024 02:45
Found In Egroup: Pentaho
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Ok - got past that now.  had to remove the 'org.' in the group id. mvn install:install-file -Dfile=pentaho-encryption-support.jar ^                          -DgroupId=pentaho ^                          -DartifactId=pentaho-encryption-support ^                          -Dversion= ^
Posted By Unknown 05-14-2024 02:29
Found In Egroup: Pentaho
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Hi Szymon, I've done as you've suggested and am now getting the same issues as you have above.  The pentaho-commons-xul fails to build (but doesn't block anything at this point), and maven then fails in not being able to resolve the pentaho-encryption-support dependency.  I've tried changing the ...
Posted By Unknown 05-07-2024 22:26
Found In Egroup: Pentaho
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This might be the issue as well with attempting to build 10.1 and 10.2 CE versions. ------------------------------ Matthew Beale Data Service Manager National Seniors Australia ------------------------------
Posted By Unknown 05-07-2024 20:09
Found In Egroup: Pentaho
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Hi Oai, So I get a little further along the process than this.  I separately check out the parent-poms git repo and copy the settings.xml and settings-security.xml files into the .m2 directory of the kettle client and build from there.   git clone --single-branch -b https://github.c ...
Posted By Unknown 05-07-2024 01:54
Found In Egroup: Pentaho
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Hi Oai, Have you managed to build 10.1 at all?  I'm trying to build a 10.x version - but am getting similar errors. Would you also be happy to post the git commands you're using to pull the branch/tag from the repository? I note that 10.1 exists as a branch but not 10.2 - not sure if that makes ...