
qingan li


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Posted By qingan li 07-06-2022 02:44
Found In Community: Pentaho
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modify it to this in the , PENTAHO_DI_JAVA_OPTIONS="-Xms1024m -Xmx2048m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -Dpentaho.karaf.root.transient=true"
Posted By qingan li 07-06-2022 02:16
Found In Egroup: General Discussion
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I found the following problems using kettle 8.3 multitasking concurrency, but I haven't found the reason. Can you help me have a look? I suspect it's the machine memory. I don't know whether it's correct. There is no log support.   Below is the error task log: ###################### ...
Posted By qingan li 07-06-2022 02:15
Found In Egroup: General Discussion
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I found the following problems using kettle 8.3 multitasking concurrency, but I haven't found the reason. Can you help me have a look? I suspect it's the machine memory. I don't know whether it's correct. There is no log support.   Below is the error task log: ###################### ...
Posted By qingan li 07-06-2022 02:15
Found In Egroup: General Discussion
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I found the following problems using kettle 8.3 multitasking concurrency, but I haven't found the reason. Can you help me have a look? I suspect it's the machine memory. I don't know whether it's correct. There is no log support.   Below is the error task log: ###################### ...
Posted By qingan li 07-05-2022 21:05
Found In Community: Pentaho
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I found the following problems using kettle 8.3 multitasking concurrency, but I haven't found the reason. Can you help me have a look? I suspect it's the machine memory. I don't know whether it's correct. There is no log support  the karaf mavn has the commons-lang-2.6.jar , i use the kettle8.3.0.0-371 ...
Posted By qingan li 07-05-2022 21:04
Found In Community: Pentaho
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I found the following problems using kettle 8.3 multitasking concurrency, but I haven't found the reason. Can you help me have a look? I suspect it's the machine memory. I don't know whether it's correct. There is no log support  the karaf mavn has the commons-lang-2.6.jar , i use the kettle8.3.0.0-371 ...
Posted By qingan li 07-05-2022 21:01
Found In Community: Pentaho
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I found the following problems using kettle 8.3 multitasking concurrency, but I haven't found the reason. Can you help me have a look? I suspect it's the machine memory. I don't know whether it's correct. There is no log support  the karaf mavn has the commons-lang-2.6.jar , i use the kettle8.3.0.0-371 ...
Posted By qingan li 07-05-2022 05:20
Found In Community: Pentaho
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####################################################################### WARNING: no libwebkitgtk-1.0 detected, some features will be unavailable Consider installing the package with apt-get or yum. e.g. 'sudo apt-get install libwebkitgtk-1.0-0' ####################################################################### ...
Posted By qingan li 07-05-2022 02:03
Found In Egroup: Pentaho
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I found the following problems using kettle 8.3 multitasking concurrency, but I haven't found the reason. Can you help me have a look? I suspect it's the machine memory. I don't know whether it's correct. There is no log support  the karaf mavn has the commons-lang-2.6.jar , i use the kettle8.3.0.0-371 ...