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Posted By Unknown 06-17-2024 15:52
Found In Egroup: Pentaho
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Hi all, I have a problem with the following MDX query because it has a different behavior according to the user used to execute it. WITH SET [~ROWS] AS except(([Carrera].Members),([Carrera].[NE - No Especificado])) SELECT NON EMPTY ([Measures].[EstudiantesMatriculados]) ON COLUMNS, NON EMPTY [~ROWS] ...
Posted By Unknown 06-17-2024 13:38
Found In Egroup: Pentaho
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Hi all, I have a doubt related to an error using a SVG image in a dashboard (CDE). I have a SVG image to display an arrow in a KPI. The arrow is displayed properly as you can see in the following image when I display the dashboard using the admin user. But, the arrow is not displayed when I display ...
Posted By Unknown 02-06-2024 09:16
Found In Egroup: Pentaho
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Hi Petr,   First, thank you for following up on this issue.   I made a new test using a new dashboard with a basic Line Chart with a MDX query and the issue continue happening. The data in the cube is the next:   I checked the CDA file, and the information isn't updated.   Also, I used the ...
Posted By Unknown 02-05-2024 10:23
Found In Egroup: Pentaho
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Hi Petr, I checked the CDA cache manager, and I can see some queries. Then, after clicking on the "Clear cache" button the CDA cache manager displays the message "Cache is empty", but the data isn't updated. The queries (MDX and SQL) have been created using CDE with a JNDI connection and the charts ...
Posted By Unknown 02-01-2024 10:01
Found In Egroup: Pentaho
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Hi Petr, Thanks for your quick response. I used the "CDA Cache Manager" and it didn't help me solve the problem either. Also, I have used Mondrian Schema Cache and Reporting Data Cache but the problem still persists. Also, I have a script to clean the caches after the execution of the ETL processes, ...
Posted By Unknown 01-31-2024 09:54
Found In Egroup: Pentaho
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Hi, I have a problem with the cache in the pentaho CDE dashboards, version 7.1. After excecute the ETL processes in PDI to update the data I can check the data updated using a tool to display data, but in the dashboard the data isn't updated. If I excute the queries availables in the dashboard with ...
Posted By Unknown 02-10-2023 17:17
Found In Library: Pentaho
Posted By Unknown 02-10-2023 17:17
Found In Community: Pentaho
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Hi,   I have an error with a CDE Dashboard. I’m creating a dashboard with options to download data and download the charts as image. For download data, I’m using the Export Button Component and to download the chart as image, I’m using html2canvas with a HTML Button. I chose html2canvas because the option ...
Posted By Unknown 02-10-2023 17:08
Found In Library: Pentaho
Posted By Unknown 02-10-2023 17:07
Found In Community: Pentaho
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Hi, I have an error with a CDE Dashboard. I’m creating a dashboard with options to download data and download the charts as image. For download data, I’m using the Export Button Component and to download the chart as image, I’m using html2canvas with a HTML Button. I chose html2canvas because the option ...
Posted By Unknown 02-10-2023 15:29
Found In Community: Pentaho
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Hi,   I have an error with a CDE Dashboard. I’m creating a dashboard with options to download data and download the charts as image. For download data, I’m using the Export Button Component and to download the chart as image, I’m using html2canvas with a HTML Button. I chose html2canvas because the option ...