
Thiago Silva

Bravo Caminhes

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Bravo Caminhes

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Posted By Thiago Silva 10-09-2023 12:57
Found In Egroup: Pentaho
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.The repository is configured by the db,  I don't believe it is permission, I installed another version (9.2) of pentaho server (on another computer) and it worked when I added the sql query ------------------------------ Thiago Silva Data Service Manager Bravo Caminhes -------------------------- ...
Posted By Thiago Silva 10-09-2023 10:53
Found In Egroup: Pentaho
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Yes, I'm using pentaho 9.3 ------------------------------ Thiago Silva Data Service Manager Bravo Caminhes ------------------------------
Posted By Thiago Silva 10-09-2023 10:00
Found In Egroup: Pentaho
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2023-10-09 10:56:17,269 ERROR [org.pentaho.platform.dataaccess.datasource.wizard.service.impl.ModelerService] org.pentaho.metadata.repository.DomainStorageException: Pentaho XMI Generator 1.0
Posted By Thiago Silva 10-06-2023 13:14
Found In Egroup: Pentaho
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2023-10-06 14:07:47,468 ERROR [org.pentaho.platform.engine.core.audit.AuditHelper] ID da instância é nulo 2023-10-06 14:07:47,483 ERROR [org.pentaho.platform.engine.core.audit.AuditHelper] ID da instância é nulo 2023-10-06 14:07:47,499 ERROR [org.pentaho.platform.engine.core.audit.AuditHelper] ID da ...
Posted By Thiago Silva 10-06-2023 10:35
Found In Egroup: Pentaho
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Hello everybody. I'm creating a sql query in the pentaho data source manager, the query returns the data correctly, but when I click finish to add the data and work on it, it shows the error as shown in the image below. Can anyone help me? Erro ------------------------------ Thiago Silva ...
Posted By Thiago Silva 09-25-2023 11:01
Found In Community: Pentaho
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Hello everyone, I'm using CDE tools from Pentaho Server to develop my dashboards and I'm having difficulty creating a table with levels of detail with drill down and drill up, something similar to the Power Bi matrix chart. Has anyone already created it, could you teach me how I can develop this vis ...
Posted By Thiago Silva 07-18-2023 10:24
Found In Community: Pentaho
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Hello, I changed the browser, changed the computer and already transferred the base to another server and the problem continues. :(
Posted By Thiago Silva 07-17-2023 07:51
Found In Community: Pentaho
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Hello everybody. In the charts panel of cde tools when I click on visible values in any chart everything crashes and I need to close the browser. This has been happening for a while, what do I need to do to resolve and change the visible values to true and false?