
Marvin Horst

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Posted By Marvin Horst 01-30-2024 11:28
Found In Egroup: Pentaho
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We are in a similar situation as Charles has described and heartily agree with his sentiment. The Ctools suite in CE have been particularly useful to us. Although it's been awhile since there have been any updates, none since the Webdetails acquisition, it still is a very robust and flexible tool ...
Posted By Marvin Horst 11-21-2023 08:40
Found In Community: Pentaho
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Oops missed that the question was already asked.
Posted By Marvin Horst 11-20-2023 12:46
Found In Community: Pentaho
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When  will Pentaho 9.5 CE be available? Looking to remediate current vulnerabilities in springframework and tomcat.
Posted By Marvin Horst 07-28-2023 09:35
Found In Egroup: Pentaho
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Add a parameter named textvalue or whatever name you wish. Then in the text component expression property add this function function() ( return this.dashboard.getParameterValue('textvalue'); ) Add the textvalue parameter as a listener to the text component. In the button component ...
Posted By Marvin Horst 07-19-2023 09:16
Found In Community: Pentaho
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This is really odd. You could turn on the developer tools in the browser (Ctrl -Shift - I) and possibly  see what is causing the error/crash in the console. When I click on a property field the console shows that code in the scripts.js file is executing. Is this from a windows client PC? Seems like the ...
Posted By Marvin Horst 07-18-2023 09:43
Found In Community: Pentaho
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This is probably a browser issue. Try clearing and refreshing your cache for the site. You could also test in a different browser.
Posted By Marvin Horst 07-13-2023 12:54
Found In Egroup: Pentaho
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Weird issue when migration my CDE dashboards from 9.0 to 9.4. The issue comes up when using the template component with the underscore library and an addin directive. Here's a snippet from my template function of the template component. this results in html with a missing ending ...
Posted By Marvin Horst 07-11-2023 14:48
Found In Egroup: Pentaho
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I'm still experimenting with the new install and Marketplace works when running on Java 1.8. When I switch to Java 11 it quits working. Carl, are you running on linux? What flavor of Java 11 are you running? I'm using openjdk version 11 which is supposed to be identical to oracle. ...
Posted By Marvin Horst 07-11-2023 13:21
Found In Community: Pentaho
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Is it fine to leave the repository database setup as a hypersonic database? What value is there in moving it to another database? I've always been migrating to a postgresql database but I don't need access to it for any reason that I can think of.
Posted By Marvin Horst 05-04-2023 00:21
Found In Egroup: Pentaho
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I finally got around to updating to Pentaho CE 9.4 BA server. From the initial install the marketplace was there but no plugins were being retrieved as shown in the clip from the previous message. I finally resolved the issue by downgrading my Java version from 11 to 8 (or 1.8). Apparently the marketplace ...
Posted By Marvin Horst 03-14-2023 09:55
Found In Egroup: Pentaho
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I would double check that an approved version of Java is being used for 9.3 ------------------------------ Marvin Horst Business Development Manager Customer Community General Account ------------------------------
Posted By Marvin Horst 03-02-2023 12:40
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Yes, CE does support LDAP authentication ------------------------------ Marvin Horst Business Development Manager Customer Community General Account ------------------------------
Posted By Marvin Horst 01-25-2023 09:12
Found In Egroup: Pentaho
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Does installing pdi-ce- restore the Marketplace? Or, was this the package you wanted to install via Marketplace? ------------------------------ Marvin Horst Business Development Manager Customer Community General Account ------------------------------
Posted By Marvin Horst 01-26-2022 09:28
Found In Community: Pentaho
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You could add a user table to your database with a company_id assigned to each user. Change all your queries to get the company_id from a join to the user table. Assign the user to a custom parameter in the CDE dashboard and pass this parameter to your queries. Custom Parameter -> Properties -> Javascript ...
Posted By Marvin Horst 08-18-2021 20:10
Found In Community: Pentaho
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Just wondering if there is a more usable forum somewhere else where users have been going to ask questions or give advice?   The amount of traffic on this site makes Pentaho feel like a dying project. #Pentaho
Posted By Marvin Horst 06-21-2021 18:51
Found In Community: Pentaho
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Normally the value is used only to populate the html for the input display to help the user when theyre making selections. The filter component assigns the ID or IDs to the parameter value.   The Value as ID controls whether the parameter is assigned the selection ID or value. Only one never both are ...
Posted By Marvin Horst 06-21-2021 18:37
Found In Community: Pentaho
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Not sure how what you were expecting these properties to do. But from looking at the code it appears that Earliest Date is only effective for All Dates Before and Latest Date is only effective for All Dates After. It does work for me on these 2 features.
Posted By Marvin Horst 07-09-2020 13:21
Found In Community: Pentaho
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That is the correct directory for the mysql driver.   You successfully connected via spoon on the Ubuntu server?   Double check the contents of the .kettle/repositories.xml file in your home directory.
Posted By Marvin Horst 06-19-2020 21:14
Found In Community: Pentaho
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This had been annoying me for some time. I build all my CDE dashboards with bootstrap so they are responsive. Whenever the browser page was resized the date range picker would not move with the relocated input field. The user would have to scroll around to find it. I modified the javascript file dat ...
Posted By Marvin Horst 06-19-2020 20:49
Found In Community: Pentaho
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After moving to another server I realized some changes would be helpful to make the code more maintainable . url: https://my_server:8080/pentaho/kettle/, should be changed to url: /pentaho/kettle/,