
Ana Gonzalez


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Posted By Ana Gonzalez 07-01-2022 08:06
Found In Egroup: Pentaho
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What version of Pentaho Data Integration are you running? I'm using the Community Edition of version 8.2 and in the Big Data steps are the MongoDB input and output steps. I don't have documented adding this steps from an external source, so I think they are available with the Community Edition. ...
Posted By Ana Gonzalez 05-30-2022 07:03
Found In Egroup: Pentaho
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You could try if this solution for RHEL 7 works for you: Good luck! ------------------------------ Ana Gonzalez Data Service Manager UDIMA ------------------------------
Posted By Ana Gonzalez 04-26-2022 05:49
Found In Egroup: Pentaho
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According to the issue opened in Cpython github page, it's a parameter in the file, pdi.cpython.command. Cpython github page ------------------------------ Ana Gonzalez Data Service Manager UDIMA ------------------------------
Posted By Ana Gonzalez 03-24-2022 09:10
Found In Community: Pentaho
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So you'll need two transformations, the first transformation reads the file using the line end as the row delimiter, so you get the whole line as a column, and you keep only the first line: Column1 id,name,loc,pin Then you use the split field to rows operator, using the comma as the character to split ...
Posted By Ana Gonzalez 03-22-2022 08:52
Found In Community: Pentaho
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If you use the Text file input step to read the file, you can uncheck the option to indicate there is no header row, and check the option to add a rownum field to add a column with the number of line of your file. You'll have to give column names manually to the file, and after the Text file input step ...
Posted By Ana Gonzalez 10-26-2021 10:07
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Youll probably have better luck getting an answer opening an issue in the github page of the plugin, although it seems someone else has a similar issue and has already opened one.
Posted By Ana Gonzalez 10-13-2021 09:58
Found In Community: Pentaho
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This is probably more a Postgres question than a PDI question, and it probably has to do with how Postgres handle connections. I dont know about Postgres, but in Oracle you have DB locale settings and Connection locale settings, and this seems like in Postgres is similar. Probably theres some kind of ...
Posted By Ana Gonzalez 10-08-2021 09:05
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It should be possible, I played with it some years ago and I could make it work, I havent used it actively in production, so I cant help you. Have you tried the opposite? I mean, using a PDI transformation as datasource in a report, someone here some days ago found a thread in the old forum that helped ...
Posted By Ana Gonzalez 10-08-2021 08:57
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I cant help you there, I dont use the server to schedule the execution of PDI jobs and transformations, maybe you can find something in the old forum ( or in old blog posts, Diethards blog has a lot of useful information in PDI:
Posted By Ana Gonzalez 10-01-2021 09:35
Found In Community: Pentaho
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If you install PDI in the server, you just call the with the job file and parameters if needed. To run a transformation you use the script. Look in Pentaho documentation the parameters you can pass to kitchen and pan scripts.
Posted By Ana Gonzalez 09-17-2021 10:01
Found In Community: Pentaho
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With Pentaho CE you dont have the Authentication menu option shown in the official Pentaho Documentation, you have to scroll down to set it up manually, go to the Manual Configuration section: Also, this refers to an old version ...
Posted By Ana Gonzalez 07-26-2021 09:00
Found In Community: Pentaho
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Yes, the server zip is for another setup (mainly to create dashboards, although it contains some things pertaining to Data Integration, but its not necessary if you are only interested in the data integration part), if you only want to execute jobs and transformations you have created in your desktop, ...
Posted By Ana Gonzalez 07-23-2021 09:26
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The installation is the same as with your desktop, you ensure you have Java 8 JDK, unzip and youre ready to roll. If you have added libraries (probably to connect to database), modified config files or added plugins in your PC youll have to do the same in the server. To program the execution of jobs ...
Posted By Ana Gonzalez 07-13-2021 08:40
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Its going to depend on the logic of your workflow, but in most cases, yes. I have some workflows where I dont mind if certain steps fail, or I force an error to stop the flow of data due to the internal logic, so in those workflows the ERRORS column is not going to help, but in most cases that column ...
Posted By Ana Gonzalez 07-12-2021 09:39
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Looking to the ERRORS column in Job Log table you should be able to see if the Job has completed successfully or if it has failed. Something that also works for me, is having a Send Mail step in the job and all the steps have a failed step transition that send the email, something like this:
Posted By Ana Gonzalez 06-07-2021 16:32
Found In Community: Pentaho
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Im connecting to MongoDB using Pentaho 8.2, its under the Big Data steps
Posted By Ana Gonzalez 06-07-2021 16:28
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You would need previous steps to calculate string length and search for the position of the whitespace, its probably easier using the Regex Evaluation step to get it done in one step. For example, with this expression: (.*)(\s.*) you get two strings as output, one with everything until the whitespace ...
Posted By Ana Gonzalez 06-01-2021 10:57
Found In Community: Pentaho
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You have a samples folder in your installation. Inside the transformations folder, you have the meta-inject folder with an example of how metadata injection works, precisely to read a csv file. Read the documentation about metadata injection also. When creating a new transformation with metadata injection, ...
Posted By Ana Gonzalez 05-31-2021 12:06
Found In Community: Pentaho
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You read the csv, you read the oracle table, sort the rows by the keys you want to use to join and merge the data of those inputs.
Posted By Ana Gonzalez 05-31-2021 11:59
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Youll have to work with Metadata Injection, first to read the excel file and pass to the excel input step all the date columns to read and then to the row normaliser step the names of the columns to normalise as date (and the values, that would be the same as the column name)