
charles verlinden

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Posted By charles verlinden 12-19-2023 18:01
Found In Egroup: Pentaho
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Hi Stephen, Thank you for the update. I have been a dedicated user of CE for quite some time now, and appreciate the efforts the community and HV have put into making it the robust, multi functional suite it has become.   CE is a valuable solution for users like us whose requirements can't justify ...
Posted By charles verlinden 12-17-2023 18:59
Found In Egroup: Pentaho
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Hi All It appears the link in Petr's post is no longer active.  May have been an accidental early release, possibly buggy if not official. I misakenly assumed that CE versions were released on the same schedule as EE, just with reduced functionality & DIY support.  Given the vulnerabilities mentioned, ...
Posted By charles verlinden 12-02-2023 23:59
Found In Community: Pentaho
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Found a solution, posting here for the benefit of others who may find it useful.  Note we're using V9. so other versions may work slightly differently In pentaho-server/pentaho-solutions/system/applicationContext-spring-security.xml Added the following as the first rule as ...
Posted By charles verlinden 11-30-2023 13:33
Found In Community: Pentaho
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Thanks for the clarification Stephen.  I was looking at that repo earlier and trying to unravel where the permissions are read from, in one sense it's reassuring to learn I couldn't find it because it isn't there.  But that doesn't solve my problem... Is there less granular control available in CE that ...
Posted By charles verlinden 11-29-2023 18:01
Found In Community: Pentaho
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Hi Stephen Thank you for your suggestions unfortunately like you the page was still accessible.  Flushed caches and restarted server, same. Interestingly the default configuration lacked a binding for /status (which your sample did) and also /transStatus  I added both, no change I then changed require ...
Posted By charles verlinden 11-26-2023 09:27
Found In Community: Pentaho
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Hi Everyone First post so be gentle (although i was an avid reader of the old forums, alas long gone) Looking to restrict access the the kettle status page, user and role permissions don't seem to have any effect on its accessibility and in our application we don't want standard users stepping out of ...