
Petr Prochazka

P.V.A. systems s.r.o.

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P.V.A. systems s.r.o.

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Posted By Petr Prochazka 06-14-2024 11:13
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And error message exactly is? ------------------------------ P.V.A. systems s.r.o. ------------------------------
Posted By Petr Prochazka 05-29-2024 04:45
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Hi, metadata ID is "MYSQL", not "MySQL". ------------------------------ P.V.A. systems s.r.o. ------------------------------
Posted By Petr Prochazka 05-03-2024 05:12
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Hi, IMHO it's not possible. In Maven repository is available only GA versions of platform,,, and ------------------------------ Petr Prochazka Systems Engineer P.V.A. systems s.r.o. ------------------------------
Posted By Petr Prochazka 05-03-2024 05:09
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Hi Leo, try delete content of directory system/karaf/caches/default/.
Posted By Petr Prochazka 04-25-2024 10:26
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Hi Pradeep, do you call shell script into called job? Kitchen/Pan returns exit code which is set in job result. ------------------------------ Petr Prochazka Systems Engineer P.V.A. systems s.r.o. ------------------------------
Posted By Petr Prochazka 04-25-2024 10:08
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Hi Glenn, IMHO doc is wrong. I look at to source code and script exit code is set to a result. If exit code is not 0 then entry failed.
Posted By Petr Prochazka 04-04-2024 10:42
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Hi, you can download supported CE versions here and component reference is here. Supported are JDK 8 and JDK 11. ------------------------------ Petr Prochazka Systems Engineer P.V.A. systems s.r.o. ------------------------------
Posted By Petr Prochazka 04-04-2024 10:16
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Hi, in v9.4 is reporting output step is a separated plugin. And there miss another jar files IMHO. So you can download jar from Maven repository, copy to plugins/pentaho-reporting-plugins/lib and try run trans again.
Posted By Petr Prochazka 03-26-2024 11:54
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Hi @Lucas Abrantes I tough it might be problem with accent chars in name of file. Can you try remove accent chars from directories and files? ------------------------------ Petr Prochazka Systems Engineer P.V.A. systems s.r.o. ------------------------------
Posted By Petr Prochazka 03-21-2024 13:30
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You're welcome. ;) And I'm sorry for typo of your name. :-\ ------------------------------ Petr Prochazka Systems Engineer P.V.A. systems s.r.o. ------------------------------
Posted By Petr Prochazka 03-21-2024 07:02
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Hi Sylvain, Pentaho platform pages disappeared from But you can download direct from Maven repository here. ------------------------------ Petr Prochazka Systems Engineer P.V.A. systems s.r.o. ------------------------------
Posted By Petr Prochazka 03-19-2024 07:36
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Hi Jose, HTTP job entry using basic authentication. So check if your server supports this type of authentication.
Posted By Petr Prochazka 03-11-2024 15:22
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Ok, you mean sequence number. So check step Add value fields changing sequence. ------------------------------ Petr Prochazka Systems Engineer P.V.A. systems s.r.o. ------------------------------
Posted By Petr Prochazka 03-11-2024 13:29
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Hi Igor, aggregation functions provides Group by step, so check configuration or documentation. ------------------------------ Petr Prochazka Systems Engineer P.V.A. systems s.r.o. ------------------------------
Posted By Petr Prochazka 03-05-2024 03:41
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Hi @Subhashish Mitra project is here.
Posted By Petr Prochazka 03-05-2024 03:36
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Hi @Praveen Shibu if .cfg file was not created, so .kar file and OSGi module is not loaded correctly. IMHO .cfg file is created by module if not exists. Another modules do it. I can not create another .kar file. I don't known what have to be changed. I only build project in Maven and provided .kar ...
Posted By Petr Prochazka 02-27-2024 11:56
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I don't known what is wrong. Spring context is not initialized correctly. One exception is this: 2024-02-26 05:32:02,719 ERROR [org.pentaho.hadoop.shim.DriverManager] Failed driver installation process. java.lang.NullPointerException: Specified service reference cannot be null. at org.apache.fel ...
Posted By Petr Prochazka 02-23-2024 08:48
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OK, you run external Python via Shell job entry. I don't known Python too deep, so I can not help you with this problem. IMHO script doesn't work correctly. You can try run from command line this: C:\Program Files\Pentaho Server\pentaho-server\tomcat\bin>python "D:\KN_BI_MASTER\Pentaho_pipelines_e_scripts\1. ...
Posted By Petr Prochazka 02-23-2024 06:58
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OK, could you provide full stack trace of exception? Excel file is loaded from Python script, right? ------------------------------ Petr Prochazka Systems Engineer P.V.A. systems s.r.o. ------------------------------
Posted By Petr Prochazka 02-23-2024 06:57
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HI @Praveen Shibu, this is interesting exception: 2024-02-23 01:14:53,413 ERROR [org.hibernate.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaUpdate] could not get database metadata java.sql.SQLException: Access denied for user 'hibuser'@'' (using password: YES) at com.mysql.jdbc.SQLError.createSQLException( ...