
Andrew J. Romero

Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory

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Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory

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Posted By Andrew J. Romero 07-17-2024 10:23
Found In Egroup: General Discussion
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>  We are working on an enhancement to bring our product library up to par with the old doc portal.  > and download either individual PDF files or the complete archive.    Hi  Jyoti and William   Thanks for the prompt response ... and the good news that the doc download functionality will ...
Posted By Andrew J. Romero 07-11-2024 11:49
Found In Egroup: General Discussion
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Hi The new Hitachi Vantara Document Web Site is missing a critical feature []  OLD document / knowledge web-site      [] docs stored on back-end as PDFs      [] customer could view docs online      [] customer could simply download original PDF for offline use on systems that aren't on the ...
Posted By Andrew J. Romero 02-23-2024 16:25
Found In Egroup: Flash Storage​
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The attached PF-RestAPI demo writes LDEV info including LDEV path info to a log file in the logs sub-directory where the script resides.  There is also alot of other info written to the log; you need to scroll down a bit to get to the section with the LDEV info.   Yes, the info in the log is in ...
Posted By Andrew J. Romero 02-23-2024 16:24
Found In Library: Flash Storage​
Posted By Andrew J. Romero 01-31-2024 08:47
Found In Community: Hitachi Ops Center​
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To make life easier for you,  I have attached a simpler RestAPI demo to this thread NOTE: Do all test and dev work in a safe non-critical environment. The notes below and the attached code may not be perfect.  Do NOT cavalierly treat them like a fully tested document / product .... they are for instructional ...
Posted By Andrew J. Romero 01-30-2024 17:12
Found In Community: Hitachi Ops Center​
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Hi Jonathan, Last year I posted some demo RestAPI code (python ) to the Flash Storage community. Title:   Test Drive of Hitachi Platform (PF) RestAPI ( example scripts attached ) The goal of this was to produce a light weight tool to do basic ( but flexible ) storage provisioning. It work well .  I really ...
Posted By Andrew J. Romero 07-28-2023 08:36
Found In Egroup: Network Attached Storage​
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Hi Kotireddy Normally, for CIFS-shares, the SMU GUI "Access Configuration" list ( aka  host / ip based access control list ) is empty and all NAS access control decisions for that CIFS-Share are USER  based , not HOST based. If, for example,  you were to add these 2 entries to the "Access Configuration" ...
Posted By Andrew J. Romero 07-11-2023 09:59
Found In Community: Flash Storage​
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Hi, My key backup procedure is attached to this message ( on the community web-site ) The procedure is easy and has been tested on an E590 Andy
Posted By Andrew J. Romero 06-27-2023 12:16
Found In Egroup: Network Attached Storage​
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Hi Dave Dude, Your still using NDMP,  that is so un-cool ; NDMP is what I used 12 years ago. Today I use the latest AI-Blockchain based CDP NAS backups paid for by a chatGPT coded iphone based sustainable deep-sea crypto mining operation. Just kidding ... I still use NDMP direct to tape. ( you are ...
Posted By Andrew J. Romero 06-27-2023 07:43
Found In Community: Network Attached Storage​
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Hi Gary The HNAS does support alternate data streams Here are some basic ADS operations that you can try from the Windows cmd shell # create main file     @echo This is the main part of the file >ADS-Demo.txt # create alternate data stream    @echo This is the alternate part >ADS-Demo.txt:myads.txt # ...
Posted By Andrew J. Romero 06-20-2023 13:02
Found In Egroup: Flash Storage​
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Post To Community Forum:  Test Drive of Hitachi RestAPI ################################################################## Goals of my Hitachi RestAPI "Test Drive" ################################################################## - Learn and evaluate the Hitachi SVOS RestAPI ( PF Rest ) that is ...
Posted By Andrew J. Romero 06-19-2023 11:57
Found In Egroup: Network Attached Storage​
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Hi  Al,  Hi Patrick Thanks for putting together and posting the document about the auto-barring feature. We have a set of multi-user terminal-servers that are getting clobbered by auto-barring. Auto-barring is itself acting like a DOS attack service.  The common scenario (several times per ...
Posted By Andrew J. Romero 06-15-2023 15:20
Found In Egroup: Network Attached Storage​
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> > Thanks, just for discussion sake, > > What will be your guesses, why loop on switch caused, hnas nodes to go reboot. > Based on the AlteraAssertMonitor event, the loop *might* not be the root cause of the reboot. This may have been an FPGA SEU ( single event upset ) .... That said, a network ...
Posted By Andrew J. Romero 06-14-2023 10:42
Found In Egroup: Network Attached Storage​
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Hi Shafeeq I'm assuming you have a 2 node cluster. What is the output of these 2 commands event-log-show -u 2 -o |grep -i sev event-log-show -u 1 -o |grep -i sev Andy
Posted By Andrew J. Romero 05-16-2023 16:36
Found In Egroup: Network Attached Storage​
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Hi I have the same question. Why is this really needed ? ( security ? , performance ?... maybe some sites have so much bad pw activity that it consumes resources and saps performance ? ) Last month I wasted a day battling a "mystery problem" where all users on an important host ( a large Terminal server ...
Posted By Andrew J. Romero 04-27-2023 08:54
Found In Egroup: General Discussion
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Hi I'm creating a DP-VOL using the RestAPI (PF-Rest , built-in to the array) REQUEST: POST base-URL/v1/objects/ldevs REQUEST-BODY: (  "ldevId": 1024,  "poolId": 0,  "byteFormatCapacity": "1T",  "dataReductionMode": "disabled" ) After creating the DP-VOL, which statement is actually  true ...