
William Jansen Van Nieuwenhuizen

Hitachi Vantara

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Hitachi Vantara

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Posted By William Jansen Van Nieuwenhuizen 07-11-2024 11:58
Found In Egroup: General Discussion
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Hello Andrew I've sent your post to the document feedback team. Thanks for taking the time to write to us about your experience on the platform..  Regards William ------------------------------ William Jansen Van Nieuwenhuizen Hitachi Vantara ------------------------------
Posted By William Jansen Van Nieuwenhuizen 07-10-2024 08:18
Found In Egroup: Hitachi Ops Center​
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Hello There is apparently a hidden API where you can delete the instance, I'll see if I can track it down.  However you can 'hide' inactive nodes. Maybe give it a try and see if it helps(click the gear > hide inactive nodes): ------------------------------ William Jansen Van Nieuwenhuizen ...
Posted By William Jansen Van Nieuwenhuizen 07-09-2024 08:51
Found In Community: Hitachi Ops Center​
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Hello Volf You can 'scan' the Host groups of a storage array here(in red) under servers: Regards William
Posted By William Jansen Van Nieuwenhuizen 07-08-2024 09:41
Found In Community: Hitachi Ops Center​
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Hello Volf.  Easiest would just be to: Change the IP on the storage array via embedded IP. The SVP would probably need to change the IP in the SVP and then re-register the array in SN2. Administrator: Delete the old storage array, register it with the new IP. It will auto detect the servers objects on ...
Posted By William Jansen Van Nieuwenhuizen 06-27-2024 12:55
Found In Community: Software Defined Storage​
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Sorry I meant the system type like a HUS VM, G350, E590 etc.  Often these systems either have an SVP where you can access and do maintenance operations, or an embedded UI that runs on the controller. If I know the appropriate Hardware platform I can direct you to the right document on, ...
Posted By William Jansen Van Nieuwenhuizen 06-27-2024 02:40
Found In Community: Software Defined Storage​
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Hello Danny What storage array do you have? You can get HCS from the support site. Best Regards William
Posted By William Jansen Van Nieuwenhuizen 06-10-2024 03:13
Found In Egroup: General Discussion
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Hello Please see the Open-Systems Host Attachment Guide for SVOS: Open-Systems Host Attachment Guide ------------------------------ Hitachi Vantara ------------------------------
Posted By William Jansen Van Nieuwenhuizen 06-04-2024 02:18
Found In Community: Hitachi Ops Center​
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Hello I believe this is the query you're looking for: MQL: raidHG[=hostMode rx .*]&[=hgName rx .*]/*raidLU/raidLdev[=usedCapacityGB rx .*]&[=ldevCapacityGB rx .*] Example report:
Posted By William Jansen Van Nieuwenhuizen 06-02-2024 12:43
Found In Community: Hitachi Ops Center​
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Hello I believe the infrastructure report is what you're looking for in Analyzer Detailed view: You can either schedule it or download it. Regards William
Posted By William Jansen Van Nieuwenhuizen 05-24-2024 05:14
Found In Egroup: Hitachi Ops Center​
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Hello What are you trying to do? You should be able to see the snaps in administrator even if they are 'unmanaged'.  You should be able to create clones or restore from here if needed. Alternatively you can also adopt into Protector for additional or advanced data copy operations.  ...
Posted By William Jansen Van Nieuwenhuizen 05-11-2024 07:50
Found In Egroup: Hitachi Ops Center​
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Hello Rich I unfortunatly dont know how to do it for jobs but only for 'logs'. You can use the Notification settings to do this.  You can use the message filter to filter for 'failed' logs.  There might be a way to do it with the 'query'. If you give me an example of the job error or ...
Posted By William Jansen Van Nieuwenhuizen 05-11-2024 07:44
Found In Egroup: Flash Storage​
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Hello Rich If the information above helped you, Would you mind marking it as the answer this way it helps the next user as well :-) ------------------------------ William Jansen Van Nieuwenhuizen Hitachi Vantara ------------------------------
Posted By William Jansen Van Nieuwenhuizen 05-09-2024 03:45
Found In Egroup: Flash Storage​
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Hello Rich Best would be to go to the node and hit the resize button. Protector should take care of the rest, you should be able to follow what it does in the job log. One thing you can check before you do it. Is if it will allow you to do the resize without doing a resync of the volume(if ...
Posted By William Jansen Van Nieuwenhuizen 04-25-2024 02:41
Found In Egroup: Hitachi Ops Center​
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Hello Nino That's good to hear! I'd appreciate it if you marked it as the answer for the next person that might run into the same issue :-) ------------------------------ William Jansen Van Nieuwenhuizen Hitachi Vantara ------------------------------
Posted By William Jansen Van Nieuwenhuizen 04-24-2024 04:57
Found In Community: Flash Storage​
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Hello You can find a guide here on You can use the same procedure for block host. Doesn't have to be a file system, can be a LUN/Volume and or Node Group: HUR Workflow Best Regards William
Posted By William Jansen Van Nieuwenhuizen 04-23-2024 08:15
Found In Egroup: Hitachi Ops Center​
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Depends on who you ask and the client implementation.  You can have a max of 255 host groups per port. So if a client has 1000's of Hosts you'll have to either use shared host groups or multiple ports just to connect them.  Personally I don't like shared host groups if I don't have to use them, ...
Posted By William Jansen Van Nieuwenhuizen 04-23-2024 03:12
Found In Egroup: Hitachi Ops Center​
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Hello Dhruv It's a bit difficult to see from your screenshot. But can you confirm that this lun is not in a 'shared hostgroup'? If the volume is part of a shared host group you'd typically see the message you're showing.  If you click on the volume. There should be a section that shows the ...
Posted By William Jansen Van Nieuwenhuizen 04-22-2024 03:34
Found In Egroup: Infrastructure Solutions
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Hello Shafeeq At the top right of your screen it should show if the array is locked and/or if the health of the system is ok.  From your message it seems like the machine is not in a heathy state. Might be best to raise a support request to fix the system and then you should be able to perform ...
Posted By William Jansen Van Nieuwenhuizen 04-22-2024 03:08
Found In Egroup: Hitachi Ops Center​
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Hello Nino To get ADR Statistics you need to configure the CMRest connection on the Probe. Can you confirm if it is configured? If you login to the probe usually https:// :8443/ You'll see the storage. If you click the hyperlink on the name of it you should see if it's configured. If not you'll ...
Posted By William Jansen Van Nieuwenhuizen 03-29-2024 15:45
Found In Egroup: Hitachi Ops Center​
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Hello I think Prasenjit is talking about CMRest and it seems like Miran is talking about Analyzer Detialed View.  Miran maybe you can let us know what you're trying to do, or what data you're looking for.  If it is a standard report in Analyzer Detailed view you can propably just capture the rest ...