
William Jansen Van Nieuwenhuizen

Hitachi Vantara

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Hitachi Vantara

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Posted By William Jansen Van Nieuwenhuizen 09-18-2024 14:28
Found In Egroup: General Discussion
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Hello Patrick I'm guessing you can still access the embedded controller either via the maintenance IP ( or by plugging it back. It's most likely either a bad gateway/subnet(things you can change in the maintenance utility) or some firewall/network settings(things you'll have to troubleshoot ...
Posted By William Jansen Van Nieuwenhuizen 09-13-2024 04:32
Found In Community: Network Attached Storage​
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Hello Thanga Best is to check From what I can see its there. You can check for yourself here: Best regards
Posted By William Jansen Van Nieuwenhuizen 09-11-2024 08:52
Found In Egroup: Network Attached Storage​
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Hello Ayyaswamy  Yes we support this. Reach out to us at to see a live demo of this. Best Regards William ------------------------------ William Jansen Van Nieuwenhuizen Hitachi Vantara ------------------------------
Posted By William Jansen Van Nieuwenhuizen 09-09-2024 04:43
Found In Egroup: General Discussion
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Hello  Sorry I missed this one. If it wasn't for a SPAM post I wouldn't see it :-P.  Personally the easiest way is Clear Sight. Go to  Regards ------------------------------ William Jansen Van Nieuwenhuizen Hitachi Vantara ----------------------- ...
Hello Please see the Host attachment guide: Here are the Volumes Guide: ...
Posted By William Jansen Van Nieuwenhuizen 09-02-2024 13:17
Found In Egroup: Flash Storage​
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Hello Luu I was looking for a GAD setup video. But couldn't find one off hand. To setup Replication paths, external volumes and or Quorums, the easiest way to do this is via the embedded GUI. Just access the controller IP(not svp in the case of the 350). And do it under 'other'. IF you ...
Posted By William Jansen Van Nieuwenhuizen 08-27-2024 02:48
Found In Community: Hitachi Content Platform​
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Sorry I don't know. Maybe somebody else on the community site does.  You can also check out
Posted By William Jansen Van Nieuwenhuizen 08-26-2024 04:22
Found In Community: Flash Storage​
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Hello Colin Since you're internal, please reach out to PM to get the latest roadmap. However to my knowledge at this moment in time is that,  the VSP One Block B20 series of storage is not supported/qualified on OpenStack. regards William
Posted By William Jansen Van Nieuwenhuizen 08-25-2024 12:55
Found In Community: Hitachi Content Platform​
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Hello Try it out on  Best Regards William
Posted By William Jansen Van Nieuwenhuizen 08-19-2024 06:39
Found In Community: Hitachi Ops Center​
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Hello Nandakishor Easiest is to use Ops Center Automator. Have a look here: Alternatively over here you can also find details on the docs portal to do it from the command line using curl: ...
Posted By William Jansen Van Nieuwenhuizen 08-12-2024 03:42
Found In Egroup: Flash Storage​
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Hello  Gum reset is only for the maintenance part. It doesn't affect your data on the disks. It merely resets the control interfaces to default.  ------------------------------ William Jansen Van Nieuwenhuizen Hitachi Vantara ------------------------------
Posted By William Jansen Van Nieuwenhuizen 08-12-2024 03:40
Found In Egroup: Flash Storage​
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Hello Javier I think what you're looking for is user groups. You can take a look here. Unfortunately it only works with CCI and REST, maybe SVP: Best Regards ...
Posted By William Jansen Van Nieuwenhuizen 08-05-2024 12:22
Found In Egroup: Hitachi Ops Center​
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Hello Dhruv There are a couple of reasons to use VSM they are all based on the implementation or use case dependant. VSM stands for Virtual Storage Machine, it allows us to create a virtual identity that makes a single storage array look like multiple arrays each with their own naa ID. It also allows ...
Posted By William Jansen Van Nieuwenhuizen 08-05-2024 12:04
Found In Egroup: Hitachi Ops Center​
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Hello Ian I'd be cautious here.  The volumes in your Administrator screenshot seems to be volumes presented to a host; to change these from dedupe+compression to just compression should work just fine by 'editing' the volume and changing it from dedupe+compress to compression only, no problem. ...
Posted By William Jansen Van Nieuwenhuizen 08-01-2024 07:32
Found In Egroup: General Discussion
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Hello Zhongcheng Yuan I'll ping you the PM privately so you can find out what the roadmap is. Right now there is no support for Block 20 arrays. Which HBSD driver should be used if we take the validation? Use the in-tree driver that should be in the OpenStack install. Which version are they running?  ...
Posted By William Jansen Van Nieuwenhuizen 07-11-2024 11:58
Found In Egroup: General Discussion
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Hello Andrew I've sent your post to the document feedback team. Thanks for taking the time to write to us about your experience on the platform..  Regards William ------------------------------ William Jansen Van Nieuwenhuizen Hitachi Vantara ------------------------------
Posted By William Jansen Van Nieuwenhuizen 07-10-2024 08:18
Found In Egroup: Hitachi Ops Center​
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Hello There is apparently a hidden API where you can delete the instance, I'll see if I can track it down.  However you can 'hide' inactive nodes. Maybe give it a try and see if it helps(click the gear > hide inactive nodes): ------------------------------ William Jansen Van Nieuwenhuizen ...
Posted By William Jansen Van Nieuwenhuizen 07-09-2024 08:51
Found In Community: Hitachi Ops Center​
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Hello Volf You can 'scan' the Host groups of a storage array here(in red) under servers: Regards William
Posted By William Jansen Van Nieuwenhuizen 07-08-2024 09:41
Found In Community: Hitachi Ops Center​
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Hello Volf.  Easiest would just be to: Change the IP on the storage array via embedded IP. The SVP would probably need to change the IP in the SVP and then re-register the array in SN2. Administrator: Delete the old storage array, register it with the new IP. It will auto detect the servers objects on ...
Posted By William Jansen Van Nieuwenhuizen 06-27-2024 12:55
Found In Community: Software Defined Storage​
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Sorry I meant the system type like a HUS VM, G350, E590 etc.  Often these systems either have an SVP where you can access and do maintenance operations, or an embedded UI that runs on the controller. If I know the appropriate Hardware platform I can direct you to the right document on, ...